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|| Sunday, November 30, 2003 || || 9:46 pm ||

A Dead Rose

A dead rose lying alone -
The redness of its soul blown!
Where is the beauty?
A mirage of its duty

That dead rose once so fresh!
Yet a weakness in its flesh
The dead truth hidden under -
Mysteries create a wonder

Now the beauty flourish never
Can't thou see it's dead forever?
The rose lost its charm,
The scent no longer can harm.

Yet treasured is this rose.
The deadness it entirely shows!
Why - thou shall ask,
Since the glory has been masked.

The dead rose too special
For memories, it is crucial
An exchange between two souls -
An identity of the same goals.

Engulfed with entire bitterness,
The journey ended with darkness.
Yet the dead rose desired!
For tomorrow - it's required.

A dead rose lying alone -
The redness of its soul blown!
Yet it holds a hidden meaning.
The dead rose is still explaining!


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|| Saturday, November 29, 2003 || || 2:33 am ||

First of all, I wish to thank the Seasons, Special and everyone else who express their care to me this few days...I was not feeling well and it was really nice to have you guys around.

The Path

I knew this path that I took doesn't have the destination I seek. But I just wanted to walk on this path. I did not know why then. But now I do. I decided to share my decision with my friends. At first they were shocked and asked me why I am choosing this path when I was aware of the circumstances. I told them that I wouldn't know why until I rode on the path. They agreed then but occasionally warned me. I couldn't listen to them. I felt that I was being controlled. Controlled by 'it' - that seemed greater than anything. But I never knew that all along my friends were just a few steps behind me, whispering to me like angels from high above. They guided me. And whenever something hurt me, I would turn around and there would be my friends to wipe my tears away. And I have to admit I got hurt several times in this path.

Then just like all paths I came to a crossroad. Two different paths to the same destination. This time I did not wanted to seek the help of my friends. I thought it would be best for me to decide. One path: A long winding path filled with several roses to the destination. Second path: The shortest ever-possible route to the destination filled with just music in the background. I stood at the crossroad and thought deeply. Then decided on the 1st path, the one with roses. And my friends still followed.

Along this path, several red roses bloomed as I walked. I picked every rose. I knew I needed them along the way. Perhaps I could plant them in the destination. One day, as I was picking the rose, I saw a golden star at my path. I befriended her. We talked for sometime and I realized that this golden star was seeking the exact same destination I was finding. Her name was Special. It was amazing. I never knew that I would have an accompany along this path. Especially when it was so painful. Remember the roses? They had thorns. Each time, I picked one, they cut me. Something that I overlooked.

Special and I grew closer each day. We could certainly relate to each other. Somehow we were mirror images of each other. We worked so well and understood each other the best. I had my fellow friends and she had her other stars. They all knew about our path and the destination that wasn't exactly there. But yet my friends were still there for me. Forever. And her stars were there for her too.

But yet this relationship I had with Special I couldn't explain. Words cannot convey the depths of our understanding and the experience we shared. Only I know. Only she knows.

Then we heard something. That someone else had already arrived at our destination. That this person had already planted the roses that we wanted to plant. It was too late. There was no more place for our roses. In fact, the destination was beautiful with the roses it had. Anything more could only eliminate the beauty. Then we realized that we were so close to the destination. So close yet so far. We knew that there isn't a space for us.

Special and I are now coping along. Not too well. Both of us are guiding each other. And then of course, our friends. Each day encouraging us and giving us the strength we seek. But Special and I do not know what to do. Should we go on on this path? Or turn back with the roses that we picked as memories?

She and I do not know.

But this path I chose, I never regret. Because it helped me to see life in another way. Because I had great experiences along the way. Because I learnt several things about myself. Because I know that I loved each step I took in this path. Because there will be great memories when I leave this path. Because I was able to see the care that my friends had for me. Because I developed a wonderful relationship with a star, Special. And because now, I can say that I did had people who loved me.

I wish to thank my three friends Jasmine, Sharita and Tammy and Special. From the bottom of my heart thank you. And tomorrow if there isn’t a day for me, I just want you to know that you have made an impact in my life. When I become an angel, I will make all your wishes come true

Perhaps I will leave this path some day...


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|| Thursday, November 27, 2003 || || 11:30 pm ||

Dear God
Bless my friend with good health.

Dear God
Bless my friend with happiness.

Dear God
Bless my friend with strength.
Strength to move on.

Dear God
Bless my friend with good sight.
Sight to see the open door awaiting.

Dear God
Bless my friend with courage.
Courage to let go & leave the closed door.

Dear God
Bless my friend with power.
Power to control her emotions.

Dear God
Bless my friend with a clear mind.
So she wouldn't think too much.

Dear God
Bless my friend with answers.
Answers to her questions.

Dear God
Please bless my friend with all she needs right now.
The guidance, the care & the love.

There's not much I can do but I can pray the best for my dear friend.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 1:00 am ||

Smiles, babies, photographs, laughter, memories, friends, colours, sun, clouds, sea, seashells, sand, music, colours, art, guitar, flowers, animals, school, teddy bears, precious moments, ice-cream, spring, summer, autumn, winter...

Yup... these are a few of my favourite things.

Was watching The Sound Of Music on tv that day... and although I've like watched it a zillion times before, I just never seem to get bored of it. It's my all-time favourite show... have been watching it since I was a little gal. Anyway, I really like the song in the movie, My Favourite Things. "When I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things, and then I won't feel, so bad." For the full lyrics of the song, go to this page: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/3192/Myfavorite.html . So the next time you're feeling blue, just remember your favourite things then maybe you'll feel better. It's always better to think of the things you have and be happy bout them than to dwell on the misery of not having.

Well, not sure if this will work for you guys... just thought I'd share it hoping it'll help someone out there. I'd be really glad if I can bring Smiles back to just one person, anybody at all, it doesn't matter.

Happiness to everybody...

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:13 am ||

I Remember

I remember
The way you spoke to me

I remember
The way your smile glowed

I remember
The way you stared into my soul

I remember
The way I felt whenever I see you

I remember
The way you touched my fingers for the first time

I remember
The way you always walked quickly

I remember
The way you called my name so differently

I remember
The way you whispered to me

I remember
The way you ate so slowly

I remember
The way your scent drove me nearer

I remember
The way you portrayed yourself confidently

I remember
The way you consoled me

I remember
The way you looked with that tie

I remember
The way you held a pen

I remember
The way you crossed your legs

I remember
The way you bite your nails

I remember
The way you tell me that you are sorry

I remember
The way you appeared in my dreams

I remember
I remember

How can I ever forget you so soon?
For I will always remember you

Because you are whom I always loved.


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|| Wednesday, November 26, 2003 || || 10:44 pm ||

Dear Friend,

Sad? Maybe... Confused? Probably...

if tears want to flow, don't stop them. but if they refuse to be let out, don't force it to. it'll only frustrate you and make things worse. let it come and go naturally.

at a crossroad now? the answer you have been seeking has now appeared in front of you, though it isn't what you'd desire it to be. decision-making time. choose to continue this path that you have taken or to move away. change is never easy, to totally forget is impossible, but please never say you can't. everything depends on what you truly desire. think carefully my friend! don't dwell on the situation itself. self-pity never solves anything. reason things out for yourself. check each path with prudence. which path promises a better destination? choose the path where your happiness lies. don't look back and don't regret! what you have chosen should make you happy so never let that SMILE fade away. you never know who's falling in love with it.

be strong my friend! the seasons will be here for you and always will be. *huggiez*

Always here for you,

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:53 am ||

The Imaginary Awaits

In the night of the solitude sky -
The lightest cloud slowly strolling by,
A glitter of the mild-eyed stars,
The moonlight shimmers thro' the glass.
Cheats thee to deem a poetry blend!
Where thy eyes blind her stand -
Her imaginary presence creates a sensat'n,
Deep in thy heart with a lack of explanat'n.
In white she totally surrounds,
An except'n of her tresses so brown.
The unheard footsteps yet create an elation -
That ameliorates the night's starvation,
Of melancholy despite the loveliest light,
That the moon delivers so bright.
Thee yearn for the touch of her fingers -
An ephemeral pleasure that seek no linger.

But thee fail to know
That ther' is no red snow!
A creation extrinsic to reality,
Beyond thy sheer physicality.
Holding no power to mount her own existence -
That is one of God's reluctance,
To grant the whiteness a beauty
And a ticket to perform her duty.
Despite the wish deep in her heart
To live with thee and guard,
But yet God's sole grant -
Is for her to stand at the front
Of the holiest place,
Where everyone's path will trace.
And she waits for an arrival,
After thy long survival!

At the gates of Heaven -
Where the golden beauty is highly driven.
In the night of the solitude sky,
While the lightest cloud slowly strolls by
A white soul waits for a terminated fate -
The dwellers of Earth to meet the gate.



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|| Monday, November 24, 2003 || || 9:58 am ||

THANK YOU so much for doing this whole thing up my dear Winter! Gosh… it looks so much better now than when it started out! Hehe… poor you had to do everything for us… the other computer-kuku seasons… hahaha… *HUGGIEZ* *MUACKZ* for my Winter… and the other seasons too!!!

YAY!!! So we finally have a place to crap and do whatever stuffs when we’re online… at least got something new to do… whew! I’m like so getting bored of friendster already! I guess you guys too huh?

But erm... i'm still pretty much very blur bout all these stuffs... as usual... yesh i'm BLUR... so you guys have got a lot of teaching to do... like how to change the colour of the fonts and blah blah blah... heez...

OK Seasons… have fun with this bloggie… will drop by as often I can…

Tataz for now…

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 2:28 am ||


Ever wondered if you have ever met an angel? Those people who come into
your life, utter something and suddenly just disappear for good.

It kills you to find out who that person is and why they told you those things.

Sometimes they juz come by and tell you things that you are dying to hear. Or
answers to some weird questions you had in your mind.

After they leave you, you somehow feel like your heart is filled with happiness.
Suddenly a load lightened.

Who are these people? Appearing just once in your lifetime but yet knowing exactly
how you felt at that period. They hold the special ability to read your heart
and answer accordingly. How can it be possible?

And sometimes you hope to see them again. To hear their voices again.

But they have long perished. You can never see them again.

Maybe they were made just for that moment.

They were made just for you for that moment.

Although you would not know the reason why they came, you should know that a reason lies for their arrival. For their words of comfort. For that transient moment.


It takes a heart to meet an angel to know what the experience means.

For I have met my angel


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|| Sunday, November 23, 2003 || || 11:34 pm ||

a biggie thanks to Winter for helping the other 3 people who know NUTS abt this crap...hehe great workie girl


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|| || || 2:01 am ||

In a month's time...where would I be?
Will I be found?

And how about you?
Will you find me?


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|| || || 1:57 am ||

the new look is coming up soon....and sharita cheated me! she say after everything is done it will be up...but then i want the new look now! nvm i shall wait wait wait wait wait wait wait..


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|| Saturday, November 22, 2003 || || 2:18 am ||

Sometimes its the joy...and sometimes its the pain...
Then its the smile... and then a tear...


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|| || || 1:36 am ||

haha i got nothing to do..i checking my name appearing ..hee


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|| || || 1:34 am ||

finally all 4 seasons in !!!! YEAH woo cant wait to crap here!


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|| || || 1:03 am ||

do we have to keep blogging so the other stuffs will update itself? it's lame lor.....

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:54 am ||

finally...where's jazzie... we're just short of her....

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:45 am ||

stupid bloggy thingy.... so complicated...

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Friday, November 21, 2003 || || 11:15 pm ||

this is just a start.....

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________