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|| Monday, March 08, 2004 || || 10:28 pm ||

Survey 1

* Time:10.00pm sharp!
* Date:8th March 2004
* Name: Kugapriya
* Aka(s): Prudence, prue, pri and others ;-)
* Birthday: 18 Nov 1985
* School: Temasek Polytechnic
* Location: Singapore
* Hair: its slightly below my shoulder
* Height:1.67m
* Shoe Size: 7 or 7.5
* Brothers/Sisters: juz one elder sister
* Who lives with you: mum dad and sis
* When is your bedtime?: hmm 2am? 3am?

*-------------HAVE YOU---------------*

* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: I know my limits lar...
* Missed school B/coz it was raining: hehehe in pri sch yes
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: yes.. wen i was curious and then I put my leg on the hot hot part of my dad's motorbike..
* Been hurt emotionally: absolutely
* Kept a secret from everyone: ya..u can trust me
* Had an imaginary friend: yes...his name is Ed..
* Wanted to hook up with a friend: hehehe..
* Cried during a Movie?: yeah...
* Had a crush on a teacher: what?? hehe
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Like who?? No way..
* Been on stage: yeah..many times..
* Cut your hair: of course.


*Shampoo : Sifone..or that Follow Me Green Tea thingy
*Soap : dun really have a fav one..anything that smells good is fine wif me
*Colour: RED, RED, and more RED
*Lace or satin:satin
*Fave cartoon Character(s) : Dexter is great...
*Fave Movies: City of Angels
*Fave Ice Cream: no particular fav. one. But I hate mango and yam flavors..
*Fave Subject: it was maths b4...
* Fave Drink: haha normal?? Well..root beer or lemon barley..
*Fave Person to talk to online: if god was online.. i love to talk to him..besides tat, every1 is nice to tok to lar...

*------------------RIGHT NOW------------------*

*Wearing: a shirt and shorts
*Hair style: let down..waiting 4 it to dry..
*eating: ferrero rocher!!
*Thinking bout: my crappy accts tut n family law pbl prob!
*Listening to: Lil Kim's My Milkshake!!!

*-------------------IN THE LAST 24HRS------------------*

*Cried: WOO actually NO!! WOW!!
*Worn jeans: yep!!
*Met someone new?: not exactly strangers counted?
*Cleaned your room: hahaha suppose to do that..cleaned my desk only
*Done laundry: yap..
*Drove a car: ermm..nope

*---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------*

*Yourself: YES..u got to believe in urself first to believe others..
*Your friends: yeah.. I trust ppl who are close to me...
*Santa Claus: yes..somehow his existence juz makes me wanna be a gd gal...haha.. but he never came to my home.. probably b'cuz I dun have a chimney haha...
*ToothFairy: nah...I make a wish with my tooth..and juz throw it out of the window..hehe
*Angels: absolutely...angels exist to guard and guide you..
*Ghosts: if angels exist...ghosts exist too.. whenever there's something good, there's always something bad too. DAMN!!!

*----------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------*

*Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: yep...
*Like anyone?: I like everyone around me right now..
*Who have u known the longest of your friends: the longest is 6 yrs..tuty n althea
*Who's the shyest: none of my friends are really tat shy..
*Who's the weirdest: haha.. it could be me instead of any of my friends
*Who do you cry to?: to myself, hazelyn or my seasons...
*When you cried the most: there are a couple of times.. actually more than a couple
*Worst Feeling: The worst feelings in life is letting go of someone when u dun want to but u stil have to cuz of circumstances...losing someone fears me the most..
*Time now: 10.28pm

More coming up...


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|| Wednesday, March 03, 2004 || || 1:05 am ||

I Miss Those Times

I miss those times..when I look up into the sky and know that the clouds are smiling back at me.
I miss those times..when I took time to look at a child playing at the playground with such joy.
I miss those times..when I walked alone the streets observing different types of people and families.
I miss those times..when I became mad and I start running around the places and start jumping around for no reason.
I miss those times..when I would go to the beaches to take long walks, listen to the waves and collect seashells.
I miss those times..when I lied on my bed and silently drowned myself with thoughts and then cry myself to sleep.
I miss those times..when I would speak to myself in the mirror and try to pretend that I was in a movie.
I miss those times..when I lied on mother's lap as she stroked me to sleep and she would sleep on me as well.
I miss those times..when I spoke crazily non stop and frightened all my friends around me.
I miss those times..when I would walk down a dark lane at night to admire the twinkling stars above.
I miss those times..when I spoke to God and tell Him how I really felt deep within.
I miss those times..when I had a dinner with my family and we spoke about everything that happened on that day.
I miss those times..when I could just look at anything in the street, find a place to sit and write something about it.
I miss those times..when I tried to make a friend who was feeling so down a little more happy for a particular day.
I miss those times..when I would write tiny notes to friends to encourage them in life.
I miss those times..when I spoke to my teddy bear and told him everything that was happening in my life.
I miss those times..when I purposely woke up hours earlier so that I could spend some time with my mother before she is off to her work.
I miss those times..when I would go to a movie marathon alone and just pig out in the theatre.
I miss those times..when I spent time with my cousin and listened to all his crapping.
I miss those times..when I played hide and seek with my friends in the school field.
I miss those times..when I was compelled by my father to write 100 lines of "I will have a neat handwriting soon" every week.
I miss those times..when I was just being myself I miss I miss I miss

You know my life has changed so much..but yet I miss all those times..those times when everything was just plainly simple. I realized that as I grow older situations still stay the same, but it is my thoughts that have changed how I look at things. It's really different right now. Many of my friends have told me that I shouldn't think alot. But I guess it is my thoughts that have crafted me to be the woman I am today. Sometimes I kill people around me with my thoughts..as in I cause them to worry or to feel the pain within my mind and thereby I would ruin the joy of the moment...I don't do it intentionally but its juz the way I am... And I am sorry to you! I should learn to control my thoughts and not let them control me...

I am trying
But when the emptiness of thoughts fill my mind... my heart weakens
And I realized that
That was how I was designed to be...
