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|| Sunday, August 22, 2004 || || 4:16 pm ||


I saw some time back a letter sent to the Forum column of The Straits Times that spoke about abortion. And one of the editor wrote abt abortion in today's Life! also...

So yea...was thinking...

To me, abortion is definitely a murder...a murder accepted by the law. It is strange how woman can say 'yes' to it. I remembered back in secondary school when they were trying to teach us the outcome of pre-martial sex..they showed us videos of people suffering from STDs and also abortion (even illegal abortions!). I swear I still remember every single thing of that abortion video. And when I left the hall, I was crying. And I am haunted by the images till today...

Abortion has a very strong impact on me. I know of a few people who have gone for abortion and I am very greatly affected by it. It takes a lot of strength for the woman to say 'yes' and continue with her life without carrying the burden of killing a gift God had created for her. [P.S (Don't try to read this if you don't know Xidme language): Pmidarens!!!!! obo!! =) Isms Ouy...dna wylaas gnlvio uoy!] Why would one want to kill their little one? Hmm..I know sometimes the child is formed with defects or may be too costly to bring up due to medical reasons... but it is only an imperfection and to make it perfect the first step is to accept such a child. I do not think abortion could easily be the door to exit from such problems.

As for unplanned pregancies, abortion is such a quick answer. If you are an unmarried pregnant woman it is easy to get rid of the child - abortion. Don't you think that the law is not stringent enough..? I mean, if you are unable to bring the child up then don't indulge in things..and if you really want to at least have the brains to take the necessary precautions!

I would say: Please don't abort your child just because he/she isn't made as perfect as every other child. Accepting such a child is the greatest love you could give him/her. And don't put yourself into situations that have circumstances you cannot handle... Rememeber, abortion is killing the gift of life... is killing your personal own...

I shall stop here....its getting too much into my head..harmful!


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|| Friday, August 13, 2004 || || 11:00 pm ||

Your Love Is My Love - Whitney Houston

If tomorrow is judgement day
And I'm standin' on the front line
And the Lord ask me what I did with my life
I will say I spent it with you
If I wake up in the World War III

I see destruction and poverty
And I feel like I want to go home
It's okay if you're coming with me

Cause your love is my love and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couln't hold us
Cause your love is my love and my love is your love
It would take an eternity to break us
And the chains of Amistad couln't hold us

If I lose my fame and fortune
And I'm homeless on the street
And I'm sleepin' in Grand Central Station
It's okay if you're sleepin' with me
As the years they pass us by
We stay young through each other's eyes
And no matter how old we get
It's okay as long as I got you babe


If I should die this very day
Don't cry, cause on earth we wasn't meant to stay
And no matter what people say (Really no matter)
I'll be waiting for you after judgement day


A Small Note To Her...A song for You! Nicely written! Thanks so much for giving me so much love and strength and most importantly, holding me hand in hand in my self discovery... Cant wait for the coming 15th, this sunday, am looking forward to spend OUR day in a really different way compared to our other 15th's...like u said 7 symbolizes perfection... n yea the 7th mths spent with u was imperfectly perfect...oh yea, juz remembered!! after so much of paranoia and all the whines, u finally went for an interview today n got a placing too!! Weee..am so happy for you! All you needed was some confidence sprinkled with hopes! Am looking forward to our days of SIP. Btw...Her building is just next to mine..HAHA...
A Small Note To Sharita... Don't worry ok? You will make it!! Somewhere better than *some* people..!! Treasure little hopes within your heart...Don't let anything small upset you! I would feel the same way as you if I was in your position...but I just want to tell you that you're really a capable person! And definitely there is an opportunity out there for you... Perhaps it's juz taking the longer road to reach you...have faith!! Goodluck to you!! always here to hear you whine, ok? =)
A Small Note To Jasmine... BOO!! haha Am glad that things for you are getting better..sometimes things juz change in a spur of the moment but you shd know that they all happen for a reason... Girl, I have to say that you have really grown so much thr this yrs.. Don't let anything small hinder your path, ok? Don't give up to anything too soon... One who holds the longest will eventually succeed... Take time to enjoy little pleasures! Keep on striving!!
A Small Note To Tammy... Hey where u???? Always missing only!! I miss you so many many!! Cuz the crappy projects and all din have time to even hang out with u people..And for some reason I dun see u often in sch like the other 2..better do your projects and stop dreaming abt your quest to phuket so much ah!! haha *winkz* Muz study ah!! I miss your cuckoo crap! haha This woman ah i tell u is the best among 4 of us...she is never stressed..haha but still does her work and still got time to go holiday one!! But she doesnt invite us la...*HINT - btw I dun mind a free trip even to bali la but 2 tickets for me pls...haha*
A Small Note To Haider... Bwahaha!! *smile* din expect to see a note for urself izzit? well tada!! hope things are riding on the happiest road for you... take one step at a time... ok? dun worry am here to hear you out...sometimes the rainbow isnt drawn in the sky perfectly...but if we really try hard...we will still be able to see the beauty of the rainbow..its amazin 7 colours. (hehe 7 again!!) hope u arent that blur to get what I am saying.. *winkz*
A Small Note To Everyone...Been rushing like crazy for the projects cuz they are due next week. Everyone is like super-stressed... And waiting anxiously for a interview from the law firms for SIP...Then running here and there for the interviews, and juggling together with project meetings. WOW..I have to say that it is really a you-need-to-do-everything-quickly week! haha I mean there isnt even a freaking time to eat at times! gosh..we'll get this OVER soon! Hang In There Everyone!!

A Small Note To Myself... Finally the word Happiness has regained its meaning in my life... As things begin to brighten up, there are still certain dark shadows out there...but I shall learn to deal with them in a better way. Thus I would still have the ability to enjoy the Happiness that God is showering me with... I Am Happy - and I am glad I can say this without lying to my own feelings... It feels good! I mean how many of you out there now, can say this out loud feelin it truthfully..? So if you are really feeling the same way..say it out loud! I realized in the past week that it is much more difficult to share a joy with someone close to you than to share a sadness... Because so often we are used to hearing the sadness of people... we are able to handle the situation by for example consoling or advisin them... but when we hear the joys of people...we dun know how to handle it...we juz try to be happy for them... but we naturally begin to compare ourselves with their joy and feel upset that we arent getting such a joy... so how can we be really happy for others if we start to compare? And sometimes its really wrong to share the joy with the world..when the entire world is feeling down. Sigh... Perhaps the best way to share a joy is to be silent... The silence of the joy that lives for another eternity undamaged by the voices of others.. But I am Happy!!!! =)
