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|| Wednesday, September 29, 2004 || || 9:29 am ||

The Fairytale with the Hole

It was such a fairytale.. everything fairytalely that could happen.. happened.

Hey Seasons.. still remember the holes in our paths?

D*mn! I just got out of one.. (lalalala)

That hole in my path looked so d*mn bl**dy attractive..

It was glowing..
it was like a rainbow was glowing in it..
flowers all around..
a little fountain beside it..
.. .. ..
ok.. the rest..
You let your creativity do the work..
Everything nice and drama.. all can add in..

So obviously I chose that hole in my path to explore la..

The rest were like cracks in my path.. what’s there to explore..?

Or so I thot..

That hole let to a long deep dark tunnel..

The ground was not very stable..

so I had to hold on to the bar above to get through the tunnel.

You know like that scene from titanic.. where jack n rose held on to the pipes above to get through the water..?

Nvm la.. dun try to recall.. it’s like monkey bars ok..?

It was d*mn tiring.. but aniwae I held on..

It was my adventure.. I just wanted to go for it.. to see if I can get my treasure at the end of it.

There were little rewards on the way..

After a long distance of climbing in the dark and you see a little light..

That was a big reward to me.. that kept me going..

I was strong! I was SUPER TATA!!!

Keep going..

Ignoring my fear of the darkness..
of the small space..
of not being able to hold on any longer..
of.. erm.. there was something else.. but I forgot what I wanted to say la..

then.. I felt something..

maybe.. someone..

nvm.. no scared.. I came prepared this time..

now.. this was the time to switch on my torch..

Oh.. I didn’t tell you I had a torch with me?

More exciting to walk in the dark you see.. like fear factor!

Aniwae.. guess what I saw when I switched on my torch?

All those b*tch trying to get my treasure..

And the best part? All of them got that ‘reward’ light on the way too!


Oh oh.. that wasn’t the best part!

Here comes the best part..! The treasure was already taken by some bl**dy B*TCH!!!

Well, maybe it isn’t much of a treasure after all..

Waste my Bl**dy time onli… but I did learn a lot on the way..

Now now.. I don’t wanna get into a cat fight with those.. Argh.. shan’t repeat that word again..

Hey.. who said all fairytales have a happy ending? They just stop at the peak.. but if you continue to watch.. there’s alwaes the slope down.

What now?

Get out of that tunnel of coz!!! What else?!

Oh ya.. Me am CLEVER TATA too..

I wasn’t just prepared with my torch.. I had a really strong rope tightly tied to me this time.. and a multi-purpose knife.. and really good footwear..

I was so prepared to let go of that f*ck*ng bar and just get out of that tunnel..

And woo.. I did it fast!

Guess it’s coz I wasn’t too far in and I had my rescuers waiting for me at the entrance.

There’s my..

Oh… and there’s SUPER X!!! heez…

They practically pulled me out of the st*p*d hole la.. hahaha.. Thank You!

But hey! It’s becoz I was clever enough to use a strong rope ok! And long enough for you guys to pull the other end!


But hey.. it hurts after that..

Did somebody let go of the rope?

Or izit just the scratches I got on the way out?

Or izit that it feels weird to walk in the sunlight again?

I dunno.. had fun coming out.. but now it hurts.

*little note to my Seasons*
Thank you for always being there. Thanks for believing that my fairytale was possible. Thanks for keeping me on earth at the same time. Thank you all for the many many wonderful things that you have done. Waiting for the next T*r*t session.. hehe.

*little note to Haze*
Thanks for letting me take away your Darling’s time for my nonsense.

*little note to SUPER X*
Thank you for keeping me company the whole day and for being such a great friend! Really appreciated it. And erm.. the surprises would be really nice if I hadn’t known you so well. Next time you must come up with new surprises ok? Make sure it’s something that’ll really surprise me.. or maybe I’ll just pretend to be surprised next time. Aniwae, it was really nice of you to actually try to plan little surprises for me. Had a great time.. I dunno what I’d do if we hadn’t remain as friends. Really dunno what I’d do without you. THANK YOU!!! *biggie hug* Love the sunflower.. Love the place you brought me to.. and yesh.. it was lovely! Haha.. THANKS! But well, I know that you can’t always be there as well.. so I can’t rely on you all the time ya? And erm.. thanks for disfiguring my phone ar..

*little note to Specky guy*
Thanks for offering me your clone.. but can I just have the gummy bears and the sunflowers please? Hahaha.. thanks! Thanks for being there.

*little note to Josh a.k.a my MILO hero*
Thanks for just being there all the time and just being you. Am still waiting for some yummylicious Australia Milo.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Tuesday, September 28, 2004 || || 1:35 am ||


Happily ever after not was the life of this young girl. Yes, this is how her story may end at the very beginning.

She didn't have a name. And so, as I writer, I address her only as she...

As usual, she laid a tattered black mat on the floor, put the rusty bowl at the centre and sat down. It was the same scene for her, outside the dilapidated church, every single day. She frequently saw families streaming in and out of the church. With a mum, dad and 2 children. Hand in hand. Happy! Like the perfect family she always drew.

She had a burning desire. To enter the church. To pray for His guidance and a gift - a family, no she wanted the perfect family. But she wasn't allowed to. The people of Drelado despised her.

Why? - she wondered.

At the age of 3, her parents abandoned her... For the reason she never knew. The only memories she had, were the scars inflicted on her by Mother. Father wasn't a figure for her to remember at all... Basically, she wasn't accepted by her society. Labelled as the "unnamed". It was horrible. But she could not do anything about it. No one took her as their own or even offered her a job. All these while, she has been feeding onto the money of the people who throw her a penny or two.

Still at the age of 17...

Well, back to the scene - I thought

Outside the church, she had her own special way to pray. It wasn't wrong but she thought that there was a right way.

And it was then...when she knelt down and silently prayed as she heard the people at the church worshipping with love... Someone dropped a note into her bowl. She looked up and saw a girl who seemed like she was around her age. Her name was Splendor.

A few minutes later, the girl's family saw her outside the church. Unexpectedly, tears trailed down Splendor's mother. Splendor's mother knew there was something more to this girl.

Each time they came to the church, they never failed to drop something for her. And that day, they decided to drop her more than what she was ever given.

They took her home.

Suddenly... out of the blue.. She had a mama, papa, sister Splendor and brother Breyvn. Her new found parents eagerly made known to the people of Drelado that she was theirs from that time forward. Although many shunned the family aside, a few of the residents had a change in their hearts and welcomed this girl with open arms.

She was no longer buried under the wasted sheets of paper. Instead she had her home. She was no longer feeding onto the leftovers of others. Instead she had her all three meals a day. She was no longer covering herself with tattered clothes. Instead brightly coloured clothes. She was no longer begging for love or money. Instead she learnt about God

No, this family were not the richest nor the famous. They were simply the happiest.

It took time for her to accept this new found environment and family. It was too much. She had never received such love from anyone. This was beyond magnificence.

She grew specially close with Splendor and mama. Splendor was her everything and always would be. Their relationship moulded so well and they grew more and more in each other's arms. It was different for them.

Mama was always the best for her! Mama knew how to love the right way. Mother didn't. Or as the way Splendor always put it Mother expressed it in a different way. But somehow she preferred Mama. She hated to admit it. But she did.

She was no longer alone anymore. Her drawing of the perfect family has finally became a reality. But somehow she created a distance within herself from the family. After all, she was adopted. Not theirs naturally. So, she was placed a little away from the family in her drawing.

They named her their Precious once upon a time.

Now the story finally begins...

Precious sat by the window as she waved goodbye to her parents who were leaving for church. She grabbed the window grilles and waited till the sound of their footsteps trailed off. A thought suddenly bolted into her mind.

"Am I deceiving them? The only people who took me off from the streets to give me life and teach me Love. Am I using this exact source of Love to break their trust they have on me? And each time I address them mama and papa... am I slowly piercing into their hearts with my actions? What do I do? And to God...am I deceiving Him through my selfish ways?"

A warm touch around her waist snapped her back from her thoughts.

"I love you," Splendor whispered.


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|| Sunday, September 26, 2004 || || 2:42 am ||

It's Survey Time...WEEE

-- UNIQUE --

1. nervous habits? stare blankly in fear.. crackin my knuckles..sweaty palms
2. are you double jointed? Erm nope..

3. can you roll your tongue? Sure..can do many things with it actually..hehe
4. can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Is it counted if I use my hands to help?? Wa lao been tryin this since I met Mr Ferlin J!still haven succeed!
5. can you blow spit bubbles? Hahaha yes yes hahaha
6. can you cross your eyes? Yes yes
7. tattoos? Dun have..got scars though
8. piercings n where? Ears la!! I scared of them..hehe
9. do you make your bed daily? Every single day..i hate it wen beds are kept messy..


10. which shoe goes on first? I think its my right..
11. speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at anyone? Noooo pls..am not that mean ok
12. on the average, how much money do you carry? Alamak..eekk it depends if I wan to carry how much..usually 5-7
13. what jewellery do you usually wear? Earrings..n a muz will be the ring on my left middle finger.. =)

14. favourite type of clothing? Whatever la..i grab the clothes off my wardrobe and juz wear them la

-- FOOD --

15. do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I prefer slurping them in..hahaha
16. have you ever eaten Spam? Ermmm..no
17. favourite ice cream flavor? Chocolate/ Rum and Raisin/ Vanilla with a marshmallows or strawberry toppings would be nice!
18. how many cereals in your cabinet? none
19. what`s your favourite beverage? My new fav one is cha made by her mother..so nice!
20. what`s your favourite restaurant? Currently it is still Thai Express.. got sick of Fish and Co.. and Seoul Garden is OUT!eekk
21. do you cook? Yap..quite a no of stuff..


22. how often do you brush your teeth? Like everytime I wan to..about 4 times a day..hehe
23. hair drying method? No hair dryer!!! Naturally..
24. have you ever coloured your hair? Yes yes


25. do you swear? yuppp
26. do you ever spit? Like who doesn’t..in private


27. animal? WOOF WOOF..doggie!!! I WANT and I LIKE!
28. food? My mummy's.
29. month? Nov..
30. day? No pref..Mondays .. a fresh start
31. cartoon/Animation? Quite a no..Madeline is nice..they used to show..now in Disney playgrp channel I tink..simpsons also nice! The magic school bus too.. kk now everyone roll ur eyes ok..haha
32. shoe brand? Nothing in particular..a nice fit to my feet would be enough
33. subject in school? I enjoyed economics and criminal law..
34. colour? REDDDDDDddddddddd
35. sport? I like most of the sports..swimming is my current 1!
36. tv shows? ED!! Haven found anything else..that show no more liao
37. best thing to do in spring? Spring ard..haha maybe do some sports…

38. best thing to do in summer? Swimming..beach sports..
39. best thing to do in the rain? Kiss..definitely!
40. best thing to do in winter? Play with the snow..then snuggle under ur blanket


Best thing to do in autumn? Stand under a tree..and smile while the leaves fall on you and the wind blow ur hair..


41. the cd player? Erm nothing..it is spoilt
42. person you talk most on the fone with? Her..
43. ever taken a cab? Yea like DUHhhhh
44. do you regularly check yourself out instore windows n mirrors? Wth..i guess so
45. what colour is your bedroom? White..
46. do you use an alarm clock? Yea..my hp
47.window seat or aisle seat? Window..so can stare out and think..

-- LA LA LAND --

48. what`s your sleeping position? Erm..arms widespread..legs too! Hahaha its true.. oopz
49. even in hot weather do you use a blanket? Yes..my blanket is multi purpose for hot and cold..hehe
50. do you snore? Not sure sia
51. do you sleepwalk? Nope..
52. do you talk in your sleep? Yes...hehehehe
53. do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yes yes timothy and happy..
54. how about with the lights on? nopeee
55. do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on? Yea high tendency..


56. listening to? Eve's Who's That Girl?
57. watching what? erm nothing
58. talking to? sharita on msn...
59. missing who? Her! she is sleeping..shhh its 2.27am what u expect..haha
60. what's next? SLEEP definitely..
61. thinking of? ermm when i am gng to take my salsa classes.. n abt SIP launch!
62. looking forward to? the 2 wks after exams!!
63. eating what? nothin la...


64. wish? to go travelling!!
65. career? somewher in the legal industry..or ermm ....?
66. marriage? nope..juz a license to get benefits n children..haha
67. gift? hmmm Creative's Zen Touch MP3....haha
68. new sport? ermmm tennis anyone??
69. new hobby? salsa...salsa..salsa..piano..piano..piano
70. see someone/something? RAINBOWWWWw
71. country? i want to go new zealand, massachusetts, viena, italy....etc etc
72. be anytime in the past? hmm back to the times wen i was abt 3...
73. be anytime in the future? in the 25th yr of my life, pls!
74. be anyone else in the world? the little girl smiling happily across the street holding on to the hands of her mother n father..
75. be anyone famous? ermm beyonce knowles? hahaha

woo..k feeling bored n so decided to crap with this thing..hehe
hey ppl..i really want to see a rainbow..why don't have?? sigh...
if anyone sees a rainbow somewher pls msg/call me ok..thats how desperate i am..

exams are around the corner..everyone start stuffing ur faces with the books!! hehe
this sem is like over in a blink...gosh..
1 more sem to go...
*separation anxiety*
n woof! the yr will be gone soon...2004
been an yr of several changes..
impt decisions..

k till i blog again...



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|| Sunday, September 19, 2004 || || 1:09 am ||

First of all.. HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY TO MISS SHARITA WINTER!!! hehehe and now only 1 of us to turn 19....and ta-da that is ME lar!! i small small cute cute girl...

WARNING: Am really in a crappy mood now... Actually I know I am always crappy la...But now I am SUPER crappy...so this may be a highly crappified material...And this word of warning is brought to u by the word Crappy...haha

Today I had my Tech Court visit thing... Decided to swap my 11am slot to the 9am one so that I could go with shar n tam... it was ok..juz that I already knew about all the high-tech stuff...cuz well was involved in the Supreme Court Open House that time..and was in charge of that Tech Crt la....so yea BUT i dun understand y they muz show us all that gruesome pictures!! GROSS..i had an headache after seeing 2 pics or sth.. yuckZzz!!

Then I met her... She went to school in the mrng cuz she was involved in the skit thing for the yr2s lcomm test... haha so she was in formal too!! hehe then shar, tam, der, daniel, spencer, jp who joined us ltr, she n me all went to this indian veg restaurant thingy to eat lunch...was quite good i muz say..only got no meat =( haha

hmm then we parted ways... shar went back home..tam went to see grandpa..the rest disappeared when we were crossin roads..hehe then me n her walk walk down city link la...nothin to do.. oh oh u muz all read this..haha..cuz she was wearing heels, she was complaining that her feet was painful n all.. then i told her we exchange shoes la since mine was not so high..haha then she didnt wanted..cuz she tot it was disgusting..I was like..wth hello disgusting? rite..haha so u know what she did cuz she cldnt take it anymore? HAHa she took off her shoes n walked bare foot..yes yes.. n she wasnt embarrassed at all.. i mean that is sth i wld do not her!! haha so cute la she!! then i teased her n she started feelin embarrassed!! haha so i took my shoes off n we walked bare foot together all the way to esplanade underpass... we sat there for a while n walked to esplanade once again...

this is the part where everyone is gng to droll.....we went to one of the chocolate bar there!!! n gosh it was heavenly...the smell!! haha we ordered the chocolate fondue!! n GOSH IT WAS SO GOOD...*drools* 2 types of chocolate one dark choc the one i liked n the other that she preferred was the diary choc taste thing then some white thing which seemed like white chocolate but she said it wasnt..so yea no idea..haha it was warm n really good..with bananas, some kind of nice bread, MARSHMELLOWS!! and STRAWBERRIES!! hehe it was AWESOME!! *drools* n chocolates really make u HigH i tell u....*winks*

then we took the bus to her place..went there to basically sleep..we r lazy ppl..we slept on the way in the bus..we slept in her place also..k thats how crappy we r.. then woke up to eat some fry stuff n cha which is tea that mama made..was so nice!! we ate n disappeared to sleep again!! hahaha we r terrible ppl... then mama n papa went out..they woke us up n by then it was late..had to rush off to church!! hehe always la we all rush to church only..n that was bcuz of her la..slp so long wake up late n still wanted to crap ard at her place...aicho *smile..haha*

service made me realize some stuffs....hmm I dont know but the words her papa shared with me..keeps ringin in my mind.."For with God, nothing will be impossible" (Luke 1:37) ther is so much internal strength in those words...so much of faith.. hmm *thinking* I just want to make my way to university some day... hmm thanks papa!! the words caught me... n yea during the worship.. there was another line "You will never let me go" hmm those words lingerin in my mind...

*SNAP SNAP FROM TOTS* oh oh I want to learn salsa...!!!!!! and and PIANO!!!!! I want that Zen touch MP3..but i can dream abt it la...what else ah? oh oh i want to publish a book on my poems!!!n i want to go take pictures with everyone!! i want to make others happy..n be happy!! I cant wait for the exams to be over...!! i cant wait for 15th jan 2005!! grr...so long!! i want to dance with my duckie wuckie!! i cant wait for SIP..for those who dun know she is juz behind my building..HAHA yes yes roll ur eyes!!

Am very happy.... Was readin my poems... n like sharita once said..u can see my life thr my poems..n wow I have finally learnt to write happy poems!! haha so nice rite? of course i have other aspects in my life that are down u know..but i am coping really well with emotions n able to control them so much better now...

i am growing...learning...believing...hoping...loving... =) i'm off....this is a rare material if u realize i dun always blog like this..oh well..am crappy anyway...

P.S (only she wld know what i am saying here): That woman stole my duckie wuckie's line...poor duckie!! its ok..u still have Ignition!! haha thanks for being who u are, duckie! i love the person u r..who says what i seriously dun give a damn..=)

P.S 2: do u know that i juz cried? cuz i accidentally closed the window n the whole thing disappeared..n i tot tis entire thing was gone...n i am like why is it that everytime whatever tats abt her disappears so soon..n i actually cried.. gosh! n i came here with my tears to see it is still here.. am so paranoid.. i juz love her so much..hehe crapZoo Hallelujah it saved!! =)


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|| Saturday, September 11, 2004 || || 9:40 pm ||

I am officially haunted by Edward, that character in a particular story that was read to me recently...

I stand before the priest who is waiting for me to say 'I Do' so that the wedding ceremony (totally forced by my parents) between me and the 'some' him could continue when I and the bridesmaid are technically so much in love?

What in the freaking hell shall I do?

I have to make my parents who gave me such a deprived childhood Happiness! And I am compelled. How will my parents face my relatives if i say no...? Why the hell didnt I just say no earlier? BUT I never had the chance.. I told them so much = how unwilling I was! But NO I cant say that I was in LOVE with a girl... why can't I? Why can't I share the sweet joys I have with her? Pls..that's because I are an homosexual and hell I do know that my parents wun fu*king allow that. Then how? say I do? Make my parents happy and learn to love a man....and that woman who loves me? what the fu*k...am i gonna juz freaking leave her behind? let her hang loose? i dun have a choice... do i? i love her so much... is there a way out? kill him! that guy u were suppose to get married to ... kill him.stab him like wat u have planned! kill him now.... but even if i do that i cannot get to stay with her..i wld probably be jailed.. so I dun wan to kill him now? then poison her n myself....die happily what? i want to live with her.. why? why cant i live with she whom i love and loves me in return? why isnt there an acceptance to homosexuality? there isnt idiot! trust me! its either I die or let her go.. nothing else..

And the crowd waited patiently for my answer....In the eyes of the man I am going to marry some sort of uncertainty as I keep staring at my bridesmaid. Her lips silently said that she will be alright but her eyes read her heart... I took a glance at my parents. They were staring at me... the priest somehow knew that i am not ready for this marriage... and then I see the cross... Waiting for me to decide..

I took a deep breath...I feel trapped. Slapped with the pain of love.. I see her for one last time as the woman I love. I told myself that I have to do this for my parents... for her parents... for them. I don't know. She looked back at me...and told me, "You're beautiful"

I held my red gown and ran out of the church...that was the only think I knew I could do.... I ran as far as I could ... away from the church.... away from my parents... away from the relatives... away from my friends... away from her... away away far away... I ran all the way...

Until until until....

I saw the bridesmaid....at the same place where our journey started with her arms wide open waiting for me to fall on her arms once again..

And I did...

I love her

I'm glad that I ran away... I'm glad...

But will we be glad if we leave everything behind just for the relationship?


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|| Friday, September 03, 2004 || || 8:27 pm ||

“you know… there’s this _____ lady in my school… she’s so cute… especially when she smiles!!! her smile is like a little child’s. you know how a little kid’s smile would just automatically make you smile too? her smile has that same effect! she has short hair… a sweet smile… wear specs… has a sweet smile… and yes… she has a sweet smile…”

that was how I described her to my aunt… & my aunt’s reply?

“she must be small and short right? that’s why you say she’s cute.”

“no… she’s not small… or short. in fact I think she’s quite tall for a lady her age.”

there was just something about her that attracted me. no… it wasn’t the smile. I mean I like her smile… I really do… but that wasn’t the first thing that attracted me. there was something else. I knew from the very first time I saw her that I had to talk to her… but… I never had the courage to make the move. why? I dunno either. I was thinking bout her a lot ever since I met her. everytime… I would just look at her from a far… busy with her own stuffs. it was a weird feeling… never felt like that before. I don’t know how it happened…. I dunno why.

I have been noticing her since early this year and not too long ago… I smiled at her and… she smiled back too! SHO SHWEET!!!

Monday… it was the day… an opportunity for me to go up and to talk to her. she was sitting there all alone… finally she was not busy doing anything. that moment… I had waited for a long long long time… I had to seize that opportunity… can’t just let it go like that… I had to talk to her. but… what am I going to say? will she be able to understand me? will she want to talk to me? NO TIME TO THINK! JUST DO IT!

I took my seat beside her… and… we started talking…

I’m glad I did… YEAH!!!

*OkOk… no… my leaves aren’t changing colours… they aren’t turning yellow, orange or red… Spring is still Spring…=) though it’ll be nice to be like my dear autumn… might think about it… hehe… but not with This lady.*

who is this lady I’m talking about? well, I call her… my auntie… my white hair auntie. =)

if you’re a TP student… you might have seen her around in biz school. she’s a cleaner auntie who’s always at the fifth and sixth floor of biz. the toilets there are always so clean and toilet papers are always refilled… all thanks to this auntie.

I spent about only ten minutes talking to her… and I’ve found out quite a bit.

this auntie is 75 years old, a mother of five, a grandmother to a handful of grandkids… youngest is already 16, a great grandmother to a little 2 year old boy and she is still strong…! can you believe that she climbs mountains every year? ok… maybe not like climb whole mountains… but she goes trekking… I think. she said she goes to “pa san” with her children overseas every year… ‘pa san’… means climb mountains what… hmmz… whatever it is she’s still strong. I mean we climb tp’s stairs already cannot make it la. she even walks to school everyday. ya… she stays only a couple of bus stops away… opposite safra… but still… I know of a few tp students staying there and they take the bus to school… and I’m sure there’s more who does that too.

if this auntie has so many children and grandchildren to look after her… and she gets to go overseas every year…. then why is she still working? she just doesn’t want to stay at home and idle around. she would rather go out to work. having been working hard all her life to bring up her 5 children, she said it’s not easy to just stay at home and not do anything. she’s not use to it. auntie was working at ITAS canteen selling noodles and since the canteen closed… she came to work as a cleaner. if any of you are complaining about having to work on Saturdays for SIP… remember that this auntie is working on Saturdays too… so if she can do it… you can too… stop complaining! but really… she said she doesn’t want to work on Saturdays too if given a choice… she would then be able to go visit her younger sister and to go out with her grandchildren. should see the way she talks about her family… I’ve always liked the way old folks talk about their family and about history. it’s really interesting… to be able to see historic events happening before your very eyes… erm… of course that would require a bit of imagination as well.

I would love to hear more… but I had to go for class.

before I left for class, she said “yao zhuan xin du shu…”, which means must study hard. it felt really nice… there’s a warm feeling to it… =)

will talk to her again soon…

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________