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|| Tuesday, March 22, 2005 || || 1:44 am ||

Some Chapters

Some chapters have such perfect first lines yet the last lines seem to be lost in memories...

Some chapters have too much illustrations, too much joy, like it brings you a type of unexplainable fear...

Some chapters don't even begin, in which enough efforts were not taken to craft a story, a waste...

Some chapters close too soon, too short the story and you just don't know why, you were not allowed to find out...

Some chapters are better forgotten...
Some chapters are simply lost...
Some chapters are cherished too much...
Some chapters are enriching for the soul...

Some chapters bring immense joy...
Some chapters bring regret...
Some chapters bring pain...
Some chapters bring fear...

Some chapters...precious
Some chapters...burnt
Some chapters...special
Some chapters...remembered

The first step you took
The glow in your mother's eyes
When you first called out 'Mama'
The time when you fell from the playground
And your dad ran to pick you up
Your first school day *yucks*
The way you cried
When you realized that it was time
For your mum to leave
The first time you went to get
Your primary school books
And uniform measured
The wrapping up the books
With your dad
Going out with your family on sundays
The joint prayers
You only prayed for your family
To be well and to do well
In your studies
The first time you bought
Your parents a Happy Anniversary card
That time when you ran and slept
In between your parents
Cause the thunder scared you
Or you had a scary nightmare
The first goodbye to your friends
At primary school
Not that there was any effect
For that parting
The first time you were given
The chance to make your choices
Your secondary school choices
The teenage years, the excitement
The curiousity, when you first
Declared to everyone that
I am old enough!
The coming home lates
The lies - oh I have classes
The hanging out at the fast food outlets
The one or two first cigarette puffs
The group of friends
The bitching
Oh, the first one sided love
The pain, the agony
The piercings
The first love letter
Or the first love poem
You still keep
The glow in the love's eyes
And before you knew it
Four years passed
Four true friends obtained
Strong and kept close to your heart
Another parting, another one closed
The last wait for that love
With hopes, yet he walks away
Ignoring you with someone new
The next goodbye to your friends
Off to another level
Late teens - legal
To smoke, to drink
And sex
Was considered cool? *right*
The messing up with the law
The running away from parents
Suddenly such monsters
Communication breakdown
Late nights at clubZ
Friends, friends and more friends!
Swinging single, flaunting
Poly life merged
Maturity grew, with friends
Knowledge expanded, with people
Everyone falling in and out of love
Somewhere around was a bitch
And a moron and a idiot
You just can't stand
Nor befriend, growing
Intimately with a group of
Who you call your very own
And when you least expected it
Someone comes along
Captures your heart
Holds you so tightly
And promises not to let go
You fall into love
The beauty yet the pain
The strength that makes you go on
Three years pass so swiftly
And now here you are
Lost once again
With the complexity of parting
Too soon, yet every moron
Bitch, idiot is now your friend
Maybe that's why this is the hardest
Like all arms joint, given this family
A goodbye mentioned too fast
Saddening heart
Twenty, yet still hoping for perfection
At the end of it all,
Some Beginning
Others really do end



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|| Sunday, March 06, 2005 || || 11:42 pm ||

White Roses - In Memory Of You

The white roses lying alive,
beside his photograph
the purity wrapped in its colour -
staging his life in the minds
of his loved ones
on their faces today tears fall,
each indicating the love they had
no! they still have
but he is gone -

my once childhood friend
we were not so close,
but those times we had together
I still remember
possibly the first pair of a boy's hands,
I first touched when I was only a few months old
I dont know much except for that one day
we spent alone together
we shared dreams, experiences
and a part of yesterday
we even held hands and laughed...

if only I knew,
that what would remain
is those white roses -
the pieces of memories,
the lingering creation of his music,
the dreams he had for his family
I lost a friend,
without even being a friend,
but yet someone I knew since young

his mother recollecting the joy
she had when he was first born;
his father remembering the promises
he had for his first child;
his sister reminiscing the times
they fought and reconciled;
his friends recalling the dreams
he told them about.

as the scent of the white roses
fill the house,
as tears flow to mark his departure
even after a year,
he is nowhere to be seen -
resting in the Lord's arms
discovering the beauty in Heaven
more beautiful than these white roses...


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|| Saturday, March 05, 2005 || || 12:10 am ||


Can I ask one question? What is this fascination that people have with homosexuals? Hmmm, been trying to hold this within myself for quite some time but I thought I should let my thoughts out once in a while especially when many others don't quite realize it.

What is this growing desire for people to kind of imitate homosexuals? Or rather to put themselves in the positions of homosexuals for a darn 10 minutes or so to bring laughter to the crowd and suddenly now it has even been used in skits in lectures oh to apparently better educate fellow students. And let me assure you that three quarter of the students in the lecture theatre do find it amusing and the other quarter are either homosexuals in the dark or plainly just do not understand or hear what is going on.

It is rather strange that straight people have this fascination... Very strange. And the increasing amount of this "gay-drama" is kind of getting on my nerves. Or lets add some magic of optimism, OH! perhaps it is the society beginning to be open with the issue about homosexuality. I mean if that is the case, then come on SNAP OUT of this joy in making fun. Really, its purely being immature and narrow-minded.

Seriously, it isnt easy getting acceptance from people for being a homosexual. Have u ever went into the feelings of transexuals and really thought about why they feel and want to change themselves OR do you just stare at them in disbelief giggle away with your friends at their "strange-ness"?

I have lost some friends who meant a lot to me after they knew that I am actually with a girl now. But I have grown to realize that this "friends" accepted me for who I was at that moment and will not accept me when I change in the future. It is difficult now to be friends with these people again cuz they don't accept the homosexuality part about me.

However, there are a few friends who have stayed by me since then. Of course, there was some distance at first. I mean they were shocked but gradually they began to accept me and yes! we are still going strong. Besides, I have met new people who have accepted me as one of theirs and it is just like when you lose one, you get back another two.

It isn't easy walking down the street hand in hand with someone of the same sex that you so dearly love. People stare. People even talk about you right in front of your eyes. People point at you and laugh. People walk in front of you to clarify their doubts if you and your partner are really of the same sex.

Plainly, you become walking monuments of Amusement...

Of course, being homosexual means making sure that you keep the society in your mind - cuz you see, not everyone has accepted this. Come on, homosexuals can't kiss in the public or even come close to one another cuz if that happens people would be having some strange staring session. Like as though the world is coming to the end or something.

I really think that it is time for people to put themselves in the other position, no not to ACT and make an JOKE of themselves about being a homosexual but to feel the depths of the feelings that surround the hearts of homosexuals. I am not begging you to open your arms wide and welcome us into your lives but at least to be considerate because we are human beings who LOVE too.

Duckie, I know I just met you like 2 hrs ago, but I miss you already. The time went so fast when we were together but I had a lot of fun. We kinda literally ran around the places, laughed our heads off in the streets and got some people wondering if we were suffering from something. We become so cuckoo when we are out together. And guess what? She sang songs to me!!!! So nice!! So many songs - she was in this karaoke mode today! But I so missed her singing to me and it was so nice to hear it again! thankiss duckie! I know I got emotional *oopz* but we spoke about it and yea matters are clarified. And chocolates are always a good thing! *winkZ*

I know you are feeling down now cause of something at home. I wish angels would surround and comfort your soul as you fall into the twilight of dreams as I cant be there to embrace you in my arms. Duckie, I wish you could call me now. But I will give you the alone time as you asked and silently pray for you. Muackz! Love you...

Firehouse - When I Look Into Your Eyes Lyrics
I see forever when I look in your eyes
You're all I ever wanted, I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise 'till the end of time
We'll always be together, and our love will never die

So here we are face to face and heart to heart
I want you to know we will never be apart
Now I believe that wishes can come true
'Cause I see my whole world
I see only you

When I look into you eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize
When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
When I look into your eyes

I've looked for you all of my life
Now that I've found you, we will never say goodbye
I can't stop this feeling and there's nothing I can do
'Cause I see everything, when I look at you


When I look into your eyes
I can see how much I love you
And it makes me realize
When I look into your eyes
We will always be together, and our love will never die
When I look into your eyes
I see all my dreams come true
When I look into your eyes
When I look into your eyes
