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|| Thursday, May 19, 2005 || || 12:11 am ||

As Our Poem Unveils

Since for some reason, I have to initiate everything for the Seasons...I decided to greedily grab this opportunity as well. Haha like as though I am desperate to do this... talking to about Desperate...gosh Eva Longoria from Desperate Housewives is HOTT! ok *snaps back to reality*

Ok people this how it is going to work... I am going to come up with a first line for this poem and from then on, any one of us can continue the poem.. in the end every one must have contributed a total of 25 lines each...meaning this poem is going to have 100 lines. You can drop all 25 lines in one go... Or break them up as you like after another season's entry..No rules, no theme, no requirements of rhythm/tone/syllable or whatsoever of the same kind. Just mould your words...

Just three things to note: 1. KEEP THIS ENTRY AT THE TOP OF OUR BLOG ALWAYS!! So that it gets going and doesnt die.. so if you want to blog something personal.. then just copy and paste this entire entry together with its updates as the newest entry? all of you can do that for the benefit of the creation of the poem right? YAY good... 2. TO USE YOUR COLOUR FOR YOUR LINE ...so that at the end of the entire poem we know who came up with a particular line....3. NUMBER YOUR LINES AND THE NEXT....you know why? The colour of the next numbering would mean that the other season belonging to that colour has to come up with the next line.. e.g. so in this case (below), since I chose orange to be line 2...Tammy would have to post the next line..get it? hahaha...that's all..

now that the rules are done, so lets BEGIN...

1 the seeking of what is beneath the hidden
2 quest for the happiness within

3 unknown territories chartered
4 the remains of a warrior's past
5 dancing in memories for seasons to come



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|| Tuesday, May 17, 2005 || || 12:08 pm ||

browsing thru some old emails...

the times before The Four Seasons...

"*:~ pRuDeNcE ~:*" Sun, 16 Mar 2003 17:52:23 +0800

To: Tammy, Sharita and Jasmine
WOOHOOOO..yeah!! At last we came up with our very own... POEM....hahahaz The TKJS Poem.. YES!!! its really cool...as the colours indicate, each stanza was put up by each of us...so cool.. and jasmine thanks 4 inventing the last stanza soooo fast..!!! yeah!!! okay read the completed version...and keep this poem okay?? all our hardy work...yes!!! wow i so happy that we have our own poem!! okay okay i stop my crap n u all read this...


To climb the highest mountain
To dive into the deepest ocean
I may not be there
But for a full support
And to explore your life's adventures
I will stand here
By your side
To bring you courage
When you fear
To bring you joy
When there's a tear

Sometimes you may not see me
But let me tell you
I lay behind your every step
And whenever you fall
There is a tear
In my eyes but
I cannot tell you about them
Instead I wipe them off
And help you to stand again
Till there isn't anymore pain
Then I see your smile once more

And tears of joy dwell now where once was fear
I pick you up with hands of love
Slowly, tenderly giving you hope
All the hurdles you can surpass
Remember that I'll be at every stop
No matter how bumpy, no matter how tough
To guide you along and pick you up
And if you were to fall once more
I'll be there each time no matter how much more
Just know that no matter where our lives lead
I will be there at every corner and space for you to meet

Ironic it may seem, simple yet complicated
Fragile it may seem, but deep in you is a strength you can’t see
As cruelty and mystery sets in
Worry not my dear friend
I shall walk you through and show you the beauty of life
I'll bring you away from fear, into a world of love
As you indulge yourself into the flame of hope
Once again, I'll return your smile to where it may belong
And make the picture whole again
I'll always be there picking you up each time you fall
Till the end of time

hahaha..cool isn't it?? anywayz sorry abt the background.. had to choose this so as to be able to read all the words..n this was the best background..bcuz i din wanted to use black la... okay thats abt it...keep smiling ... tataz


(the background colour's teal)

"jasmine peh" Sun, 16 Mar 2003 20:26:53 +0800

hey there guys

btw, who came up with dat idea??? whoever it is....haha gd idea...watever it is.... i believe action speaks louder than words...well lets not juz write n 4get all about it k?? lets keep our spirits soaring high in the sky n may it be there to watch us thru our daes....smile always guys...n tammy....stop dreaming about e***...it's ACTION time...go ahead and tell him how u feel...n sharita...i'm really wondering who's the guy in your heart at the moment...n prudence...it's time u decide u decide the guy 4 urself....it's not nice hafing too much guys in ur life u noe....n lastly...ME!! i shall not daedream so much....n pay more attention to the reality....=)

take care,

(haha... back then... priya was the one with too many guys. how ironic. sharita with her major ego problem. me and jaz alwaes dreaming...)

"~*~tam-tam~*~" Sun, 16 Mar 2003 21:46:33 +0800

Hey Galz...

That poem was GREAT!!!
i LOVE it a lot!!!!
Gosh!!! i'm soooo happy now...i dunno wat to say...
Jaz i've told him how i feel...things are still complicated though...
but with friendz like you guys...
HA! who cares bout him...
Love you ppl......
that poem realli made my day...
thanks Priya for putting it together...
take care!

":šhãrtã:" Sun, 16 Mar 2003 14:40:14 +0000

Hey darlings!!
OMG i can't wipe this smile off my face!!!! Its soooooo SUPER SWEET!!!!!!!
AS I've always said...we're the best! hahaha
Well Jasmine the sad sad thingy is that there is NO guy! haha *sob sob* hahaha got no crush now also....hehe
Gosh dun even need a guy now! heheh! hey maybe we shld make a copy for each of us n laminate it n put our pic n stuff! WOOOOH!!!! hehehehe
Love ya guys!MUACKSSSS!!!!!


(rite shar... moon?)

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:02 pm ||

oh my oh my!!!!

what's wrong with this blogger thingy?!

it's all in chinese!!!

i dun understand a thing!!!

to autumn: i thot u wanted to put up a happy entry? dat reminded me of the time my grandpa was hurting & i couldn't do much to help. well, just be happy, she'll like dat. happiness spreads. time spent need not be long and out. be home for dinner with her more often... bring back her fave food... little things do make a lot of difference. pop little surprises.

(too long for tagboard)

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:04 am ||

My Mother

I have a confession to make...
I miss my Mother.
when she is always with me
strange, but true
like as though i am spending lesser time with her
as each day goes by
like i am hiding part of myself from her
and unknown to me is something about her
i dont exactly know cuz i never took effort
to find out, what a daughter
i feel so hopeless, useless, helpless
everytime i see her in pain
wish i could do something
i am doing all i can or maybe i am not exactly doing
wish time could be like before
when she was healthier and we could walk down the streets
window shopping, jogging at the park, piggin out!!
i wish i could be like the other daughter
with her young and healthy mum
i miss her... i truly do
she can hardly walk 1 hr without groaning in pain
its horrible, whats more horrible is to tell her
not to worry about it cuz its getting on me too
and my mum thinks that it may sooner be my turn
to be in her stage, i don't know about that
don't even want to pretend to care about that
but i am very worried about her, wish i could do something
about it... wish we could have more time together
walk around and shop like those times
its gonna be officially almost a year since we had
our times... its scary now that i realized
that i miss her so much
i feel guilty
did i neglect her all these while?
i wish i could bear the pain for her...
i wish i didnt have to cry as i am writing this...
i wish she didnt need to go through this...
i wish i cared a bit more...
her tired eyes yet glitters with love for me
but i am too scared to look into her eyes
cuz beneath them i see her pain
someone take my mummy's pain away pls?
if only my tears could heal her
i would cry every minute of everyday...

i love you Mum...
if ever you do read this...


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|| Monday, May 16, 2005 || || 8:39 pm ||

Think About These...

"The most beautiful discovery that true friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart"

"No lapse of time or distance of place can lessen the friendship of those who are truly persuaded of each other's worth"


to be continued...


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|| || || 12:53 am ||

Everything happens for a reason.
Each and every person who enters our lives will make a difference and teach us a valuable lesson.

It's all a matter of whether you realize it and learn or not.

Sometimes, you may ask... "why does this always happen to me?"
Well, maybe because you didn't learn. Learn.

I used to dwell a lot on these questions about life that we ask ourselves repeatedly. Always wondering why things have to happen a certain way... why can't we just have what we want and be happy... why does this and that have to happen...

There are a lot of whys that most of the time we ask but can't really be bothered to look for the answers.

The answers however has always been deep within us... we just have to surface it.

I've learnt to reflect and learn from every thing that happens and every person who steps in.

Wait and patience. I learnt. Relationships need not be touchy feely to survive. In fact it's better without all that. distance can actually be a good thing. Take time to get to know each other. Family, cultures, ambitions, dreams, hobbies, interests, styles of showing love. Every little moment spent together should be cherished. Overlook the little things that triggers the jealousy senses. Pay more attention to the details of love. Don't be blinded by the sweetness though. Always take a little step back to reflect. Direct and straightforwardness helps. Be true. Don't use stoopid easy-to-guess passwords.

I've learnt.

I don't need a Casanova... worst still one who is already attached. Believe it or not... I actually needed a certain little attached Casanova to make me realize that. I thought there would be hope if he was out of CM. Little Casanova proved that it would still happen even if both were geographically close. Blinded I was but he showed me the truth. Still, it didn't quite help. He simply proved that guys were the same.

I've learnt.

Then a certain someone else had to appear. Alamak! The exact opposite that I really didn't know what to do about. Gals? Relationships weren't on his mind or so he claims. Whatever. He had a lesson to teach me. Happened during a short period of time. I don't know which was it that made the whole difference... him or the guy I imagined him to be. Stable and sure. A little paranoid... but it doesn't matter. I deserve better. Put my foot down. I'm sure about what I want. The last straw to make me end what i should have ended a long time ago. I'm finally free. Thank you. You didn't even have to try... u just helped me unknowingly. Thank you.

I've learnt.

Then now comes salsa guy... what's the lesson I've got to learn from this one... I've yet to find out.

Yet to learn.

While all these are happening, I choose to ignore the one guy who has done a whole lot for me and showers me with all the attention. Yes... nice... and I really appreciate that side of this guy. But whenever I start to think good thoughts of him, he just transform into the dark side and change it all. Guess that's the sign of the twins. Two different sides to one person.

You prove my doubts about you right. I knew you won't be able to tolerate my nonsense... nobody can. Can you imagine if I had actually accepted you and then you realized that you can't stand all the crap i throw at you... what would the outcome be? I bet it'll be much worse than what's happening now.

Another concern. I know I won't be able to get along with your friends. They hate me... I don't like them either. You would be caught in the middle. Don't want that to happen.

I'm sorry but this is just me. I'm not doing this to you just because you like me. It happens to all my friends all the time. It just so happens that you are a friend who likes me. Too bad. They are used to my nonsense. You aren't... will never be. If you can't take it... scram!

Never complain about the girl you like TO the girl you like! That's courtship suicide. You like someone... you jolly well accept her for the way she is. If you can't... stop trying! Get lost! I'm sure your friends will be more than delighted to help you get over this one. You won't have a hard time. They hate me... you will too.

And really I don't care if your friend calls me a bitch. I know that already. Everybody I know and everybody who knows me, knows that. And it's not like I haven't admitted that I'm a bitch. If I don't remember wrongly, I have even posted a blog entry telling everybody I'm a bitch. So she really need not have gone through the trouble to enforce my point.

Oh... and whoever your that other friend is who said he/she wants to burn down my house. He/she is more than welcome to do so... anytime! You know which blk i live in... take the lift to the 9th floor... 2nd unit to the right. I really don't like my house anyway. So burn it for all I care. My dad will claim insurance or something and we'll get a new house. In the meantime I can stay at my aunt's place... more than happy to do that. Oh but if you were intending to burn me too then let me know when you're intending to do it... I'll stay home. Burnt to death... good. No worries... I can reunite with the people I love most. Not a bad idea at all.

You think I'm Pissed? Disappointed. Very disappointed!

You know what? Don't even bother to reply to this. It ends here. The end! Full stop!

I guess you should step back and think bout what has happened, reflect, learn and move on or have you done that already?

I've learnt. Learn.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Sunday, May 15, 2005 || || 8:42 pm ||

Dear Seasons,


I, Miss Autumn, would like to meet up with three of you, Miss Summer, Miss Spring and Miss Winter on 26th May 2005, Thursday at 6.45pm at Plaza Singapura's entrance (near Cafe Cartel).

Please confirm with me as soon as possible. If you cannot make it on the abovementioned date/time, please do make your suggestion.

Please give your replies by editting this post and indicating your availability or comments at the provided field at the end of this post for convenience.

If there are any queries, please do not hesitate to call me.

Yours faithfully,

Comments from:

Spring - why you alwaes make it on thursday one ar? thursdae got a lot of nice shows to watch you noe...? but i shud be free then... no plans yet. hehe... can skip shows for my seasons... but wud prefer if i can meet my seasons and watch my shows too la...
and erm... why no space for your own comments?! not planning to reply to our suggestions and comments izit?! hmph!!! i shall create one for ya...
Summer -

Autumn - haha i jus tot that our seasons' call shd be on the last thursday on every mth..in tt way no matter how old n busy we get we will always meet on the last thurs on every mth..i dun know why its thurs though..well i tell u guys wat..we meet on the 25th la..wednesday..ladies night!! then we go clubbin or just to some bar! onZ or not? better right.. pls WOMEN confirm ah
Winter - So far no plans so can la. Should be alright. No problem at all. If got any last minute changes I shall let you all know alright. Till then, bubbyez and see ya soon *grins*


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|| Wednesday, May 11, 2005 || || 12:17 am ||

Will His Heaven Take Me?

Floating in the safe arms of the Lord

As tiny pearls of happiness mark the path
Almighty's tender promise - the golden Heaven
The fruit of the obeying His purified word
And magnified love that surrounds every soul

Forcing to shut my eyes in the midst of silence
Yet the screams and tears that haunts vividly
Of my broken heart - one of His heavenly creation
Now blackened with the sin! I chose! I craved for!
And sweet forbidden love that binds my inner being

But still there are tiny pearls of happiness
Still many tender promises, still feeling saved?
It's still Love that magnifies my everydays
The path to Heaven is always there for me?
Yet my choices differ and I go astray...

I'm sitting on Heaven now, the one I called my own
Honestly, its a glorifying happiness and a growth
Of lovers, but I pushed over now, the effect of my choices?
I want to stay longer in my facade art of His Heaven!
Oh! What crude words am I speaking?

But truly, can I skip the real Heaven?
The tiny pearls of happiness and the tender promises
Oh! Such a sinner of words!
Give me a chance to love without the fear?
I plead! I pray! I beg!

And this sinner shall burn in Hell...
No, I no longer will be His child
Could I die to be one?
I yearn...


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|| Tuesday, May 10, 2005 || || 11:06 am ||

bits and pieces from...
Child of the Dawn by Gautama Chopra

One of many masks, many faces. All different masks we wear, all different faces, but underneath we are the same being. Now that's real magic.

Space and time are illusions, my friend. The mind is a master magician. Loves to play tricks on us. Likes us to believe there's a limit to what we can dream, what we can do, I suppose.

Beyond this world of illusion, there is a dreamer who manifests the dream. Don't ask who you see, because you will only see disguises. Ask who is doing the seeing.

Parents cannot be with their children or watch them every moment to ensure that they grow into adults. It is the nature of life to grow --- to flourish and expand. it is the nature of plants to flourish if given the right conditions for their growth. I gave my plants what they needed, and trust Mother Nature to do the rest. She will support us when we have faith that she will.

If you remain still and cover your ears, you may even hear the sound of your own heart. But what is more important is to listen to its guidance. If we are always active, if we are always listening to the noise of the outside world, we forget that our heart will guide us if we only listen. We forget where the source of our creativity comes from --- stillness.

When we understand our place within nature's symphony, we can live in harmony with nature's song.

The Hermit means solitude from the activity of the material world, a period of silent reflection. If you do not find that which you seek within, then you will never find it without. The Hermit is the silent seeker. In solitude, the hermit finds multitudes, an infinity. Be prudent. There are impediments, even enemies.

The Emperor. The path of worldly power requires discipline. If followed properly, discipline results in mastery of whatever skill you seek.

The Devil represents the impulse to abandon our dreams and forget our true essence. Sometimes we exchange the mysterious and ambitious for the functional and pragmatic. That is the seduction of the devil. The devil tries to hold us back from the heights we are capable of reaching.

Th Chariot indicates a journey. A journey will often bring one full circle, back to the beginning. But just because one ends where one begins does not imply lack of movement. The movement takes place within. The chariot may test you by taking you through places of great confusion. Any major evolution captures the attention of evil. So beware.

The Sun card compliments your evolution. The Sun is about healing and light. The journey you are on is a journey of healing. Just as disciples go on a pilgrimage to seek their Gods, so, too, must the soul endeavor to find light. This is what the Sun card represents.

The Universe is a union, the unity of individual and universal purpose. When the individual self is in alignment with the universal self, success is the natural outcome of every action.

Listen to your heart, and you will know what to do. What you do depends on who you are. There is much wisdom in listening to your heart, and much joy in understanding your own identity.

Love is never wasted. Love always breeds love.

I once heard a wise man say that the best way to prepare for the future is to be completely attentive to the present --- to the choices we make in each moment. When we are conscious of the choices we make in each moment, the future takes care of itself and the journey becomes more enjoyable.

We are not living this moment if our attention is consumed by the future or the past. When we live in the future, we invite fear. When we live in the past, we invite sorrow. But when we live in the moment, we invite excitement, enthusiasm, and innocent wonder.

Darkness, child, is only another expression of light. Without one, we could not have the other. Just as darkness and light exist together, so do evil and goodness. If we refuse to acknowledge the shadows, how can we honour the light?

There are seeds of evil inside us, just as there are seeds of divinity. We have to accept both. What we call good or bad, beautiful or ugly, is merely a judgment. The moment we judge, we separate ourselves from a part of life and lose sight of the unity of all things. When we refuse to judge, our minds and hearts remain open to an infinite realm of possibilities.

We live in a world of opposites, a world of contrast between many forces. There will always be light and darkness, good and evil, pain and pleasure, chaos and order. Only when we accept the world as it is and embrace the rich diversity of experience will we know true happiness and freedom.

We call love by different names: mother, father, God... but we cannot forget where our true devotion must be. The self. The height of devotion is to have a passionate love for who you really are. Who you really are is iseperable from the force that exists within everything around you. Express love, then, at every moment to whatever is around you, and you shall become the beloved... you shall always feel loved.

Freedom and happiness come effortlessly to those who can reconcile the many contradictions of life: the divine and the diabolical, the sacred and the profane. When one can comfortably flow between the banks of pleasure and pain, experiencing them both without getting stuck in either, then there is freedom.

When you begin to understand the world as an extension of your own self, of your own thoughts and feelings, then you will understand that you have the power to change it. Therein lies the key to true power.

Papa used to have a life that allowed him to walk with us, but now he has a new life. It is different. He will no longer walk with us. That life has ended.
Remember the songs we sang with papa? The ones we sang together?
Like the songs we sang in harmony, so, too, is a single life sung in harmony with all of life. You cannot hear papa singing, but his song continues. Only his voice cannot be heard.
Papa is not alive. But even though he has stopped singing with us, his song does not cease to be. Nature will give him another song to sing one day --- one that can be heard again in this world.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Thursday, May 05, 2005 || || 12:17 am ||


The words of the poem no longer have rules to rhyme, let the blind artist paint the picture, of all that has become mysterious shall never be known, even as the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder the Creator still holds the best meanings for the chosen colours and punctuations...

More often we don't know why...


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|| Sunday, May 01, 2005 || || 1:17 am ||

Staying Still

staying still in the spirals of illusion

with the promised happiness
that noone else could ever offer
blinded by the sweet kisses

of the morning light

and the evening dreams
somehow drowning into the smell

than any bloomed flowers

loving despite...

"captured by the cupid's arrow
saved in the arms of
