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|| Sunday, September 25, 2005 || || 9:49 pm ||

as we dance to the left to the left
as we dance to the right
as we dance
as we dance
as we dance all night
with the heels and the toes
and a half turn around
with the heels and the toes
and a new friend found.

it's one of those things that's been keeping me sane lately.
as everybody else dread monday, i'm always looking forward to it.
i really should have gone to Union Square much earlier. that day definitely felt good... i really can't deny.
i wasn't good but at least i stepped on no guy's foot.
with a twirl and a spin and half turn around
with a twirl and a spin and a new guy found.

he was gentle yet his lead was strong enough for me to catch.
i was relaxed despite him spinning me over and over again.
that look of appreciation complimented me without words.
i loved it... busking in attention for a little while.
afia or whatever his name was...
i wanna see him again.
oh well... there's always andy.
that i will see every week... almost.
that almost-fall was nice.
stopping his fall... my hips.
drifted off into lala-land just looking into those eyes.
then he had to spin me... almost forgot my steps.
that was monday. i like...
can't wait for tmr to come.
for after working hours.
for salsa class.
intermediate 3... here i come!

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Saturday, September 17, 2005 || || 8:26 pm ||

I pr0bably d0n't hAv3 a plac3 1n H3av3n anym0r3
mY t1ck3t t0 h3av3n has juz b33n canc3ll3d 1 h3ard

b3s1d3s a m0th3r cry1ng tw0 r00ms away
and a s1st3r wH0 r3l3as3s t3ns10n by bash1ng m3
1 hav3 a l0st l0v3 that 1s st1LL s33k1ng m3

G0d pr0bably d03snt want m3 n3ith3r
1n anyrat3 1 am s1nn1ng d3sp1t3 s33k1ng f0rg1v3n3ss
I'm def1n1t3ly d00m3d th1s t1m3 r0und
n0 m0r3 chanc3s l3ft f0r m3


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|| || || 1:02 am ||


I'm seeing someone new
Somehow who has been eyeing me all along
But I didn't give him a chance
Cuz I didn't wanted to feel like as though
I am committing adultery or anything of such
It's not that I love him or I need him
I don't even want him but he is always there
After the death of the past relationship
I can grow out of it and still begin to love
If only it was that easy
But looking into the eyes of my only daughter
I can't introduce him as her new father
And neither would she able to accept him
Not when she is twenty four years old
And I am fifty two with a thirty five year old man
I have not fall in love with him
But I am seeking for his support
And his eternity of promises
Maybe sooner or later I would grow to love him
By then even my daughter wouldn't care
For she may have found her own as well
And her mother I would not be required...

my thoughts were just lingering along this line after I read something of the Internet and the words flowed as above....

the current chaos that is taking place in my heart, body and soul as below...

I - Cold Blooded Beast

I'm a fucking cold blooded woman beast,
Who plants red words into every single person.
I hate! to look into the eyes of madly in love lovers
That sparkle and dance under the moonlight
I paint my soul with mysteries again
Hiding myself into the world You cannot see...
Drawing fucked up abstracts beyond the boundaries
I am still smiling but You are missing the twinkles
You wont ever see yet I am doing good
I wonder how and why for I have turned into
This cold blooded animal You have never known
I love hate that word You used to describe me
I am now a disgrace to the beauty You drew me with!
Stripped off all the goodness You once thought I was
I have changed to this cold blooded beast!
I see myself walking through a thousand miles
Without You by my side, but just fucking traces of tears
I'm emerging stronger with each fuck in my life!
But for now I am feeling drained!
I don't want to be loved
And neither do I want anyone to pick me up!
Let me dwell on my fucked up emotions awhile!
And yes I am strong enough to get up on my feet again!
I hate to depend on someone or something!
I have been taught to clean my own shit since I was young!
There is nothing left for me to even give You, the love...
Drained off all the love, care and concern I once had
Ripped apart by the many demandings of several voices
I stand naked with nothing else to offer including to You!
And no I can't give myself to You, I shouldn't be...
For a cold blooded beast often gives nothing and takes it all
The lonliness that doesn't feel scary that I am yearning
Some space of just me, myself and I
Slitted into memories of the past of You and me, I failed
To look into them for their bullets shot into my heart
And the bleeding no longer brings delight
I stare blankly at the clear blue sky nowadays,
Where You and I made our promise of forever...
Hoping that I was never turned into this cold blooded beast
I stare at my reflection, bringing disgust into my mind
No my life isn't that fucked up and neither am I miserable!
With insanity wrapping my body up in close proximity
I'm fucking surprise that I am not losing myself
Oh! I don't even know where the hell Joy is?!
Look, I am not broken into pieces!
And neither am I craving for any attention!
I'm just turning cold, into a cold blooded beast!
Neglecting the face of earth
And drowning into whom I have become -
This fucked up cold blooded woman
I'm still walking with head held high up
With smiles creased to my face
My hair nicely done with some touch of make up
Perfectly groomed fingernails and a tinge of
Brightly coloured toenails that shine
And a matching set of accessories with my new clothes
As I walk down Peck Seah Street with music roaring
Displaying smiles to complete strangers
at least making their day
Heading to my office for a full 8.30am to 5pm job everyday
Is currently, besides God and my Seasons,
The only thing that is helping me survive!
The times when I am without these I am dead yet alive,
Drowning yet floating!
And at all times, the coldness of myself
Strengthens my once weakened heart
Let me be, let me just be this fucking cold blooded beast!!


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|| Wednesday, September 07, 2005 || || 3:23 pm ||

The flowers of Spring starts to wither...

my fear...

will the sun shine for me after the storm passes...?

a rainbow awaiting to appear?

i hope... and i pray...

cry no more my baby...

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 12:03 am ||

I Don't Think They Would Understand

We loved with a love that was more than love.
-Edgar Allan Poe-

maybe still loving

For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
-Rosemonde Gerard-

I hate to say
I hate to admit
I won't tell...
How can I?
