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|| Sunday, November 27, 2005 || || 9:20 am ||

just a personal reminder...


Keeping to a budget.


Have only that amount available... nothing more.


You can't spend that extra amount even if you wanted to.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Saturday, November 26, 2005 || || 12:33 pm ||

A little peek into the e-mails I've been getting from Christian Carter who has an ebook "Catch Him And Keep Him".

There's one mistake that almost all women make with men they're interested in.

The mistake is allowing yourself to become OVERLY EMOTIONAL around the person you're dating in a negative and self-destructive way.

So what CAN you do about a man's issues?

Step 1: Learn to IDENTIFY and SCREEN for"emotionally available" men

One good way is to ASK HIM.
But wait, isn't that too easy?
And won't that "scare him off"?
No, this won't scare him off - IF you do it the right way.
UNLESS... He's the kind of guy you probably don't want tobe with anyways.

Step 2: Develop clear STANDARDS for the kind of men you'll spend your time with, and stick to them

Here's step two on what to do about a man's issues.
They're not your issues.

TONS of women have a FATAL FLAW when it comes to men and relationships.

They'd rather look at the POTENTIAL that a man has for a relationship rather than at the current REALITY of the man's "emotional state".
Don't make this DANGEROUS mistake.

You might be sitting there right now saying to yourself,
"But there's this guy that I like and I thinkhe could be the right one for me... and he's justacting a little weird right now. He'll figure itout. And I should HELP HIM by telling him what Iknow is wrong and work through it with him."


that's all for now...

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| || || 9:31 am ||

he is the one who irritates me all the time and yet is whom I simply adore.
he is the one who can't live with me and the one I can't live without.
he is the one who hits me, bites me and bullies me... the one I resist spanking.
he is the one who laughs AT me... and the one whom I laugh With.
he is the one who pisses me off intentionally... and whom I intentionally try to irritate sometimes.
he is the one who screams into my ear and the one I can't help yelling at.
he is the one I tried to dance salsa with but who was never able to spin me.
he is the one who doesn't play the same games I do and also the one I have lots of fun with.
he is the one who would rather stay at home than go out with me and whom I love going out with.
he is the one who finishes all the potato chips, ice-cream and other junk food all by himself... and is also the one whom I share all my chips and junk food with.
he is the one who always asks me to help out with his work but never the one I can seek help from to do mine.
he is the one whom I wish I can spend more time with.
he is also the one who takes my temperature when I am ill and whom I care about all the time.
he is the one who gave me a Disney Princesses poster after I had a bad day at work. (i laminated it and pinned it up on the partition of my office cubicle... right in front of me.)
he is the one who cried when my dad scolded me.
he is the one whom I wrote about in my 'O' levels composition that scored me an A.
he is the one I go Ang Bao collecting with.
he is the one who hates me so much and yet loves me even more.
His name is Avion Lim... sigh... the brother I've got to live with. =p

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Sunday, November 20, 2005 || || 8:00 pm ||

Dear Ah Kong and Mama...

Hazel will be going overseas to study. She's got offers to 4 universities... 2 in Australia and 2 in the UK. But she hasn't decided which she wants to go to. Hazel talked to me about it the other day and I was encouraging her to choose one of the Australian unis. Would rather her be closer to home. She will be continuing with her Accountancy course. I am really happy for her and I know you are too. I am going to miss her though. She will be completing her poly next year... probably around March and she will be leaving for uni later in the year. From now till then, I think we really ought to meet and spend more time together. The youngest among us 4 and the closest to me... I am really really going to miss her.

Ah Kong I know you would want me to pursue my studies as well but there is so much to consider. Besides, I am really happy where I am right now and I really don't want to leave just yet.

By the way Ah Kong, we are using the cash you left behind to get a chalet for the whole family. It will be from 6th-8th January 2006. 6th January will be 2 years since you left us Mama. Time sure passes real fast. You have always been close to my heart... never left me for a single moment. We'll be at the chalet after visiting you at CCKC. It'll be really fun having the little boys running around and making lots of noise. Dylan is big enough to join the gang already. Now we'll have 6 little boys running around. It will also be a great opportunity to do all the catching up with Hazel and the other 2. Haven't stayed together like this as a family for erm... I can't remember. It's going to be a great get together for us. Be there alright? Be there...

Ah Kong... Mama... my boyfriend... he's a melayu boy. He is living with his grandparents... they are strict Muslims but he isn't a Muslim. He is... erm... a Christian who doesn't go to church. Oh well. He just got back from the US this year... from uni.... and he is waiting to be enlisted now. Seems the army doesn't want him and he's been haunting them about it. After his NS, he'll be serving his bond... working for the government. So his next few years is pretty much laid out for him. He seems like a nice guy... but yah... I'll becareful... don't worry.

Miss you so much Ah Kong and Mama!!!

Take care wherever you are...

Love you,
your favourite cucu

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Saturday, November 12, 2005 || || 12:10 pm ||

Complete The Sentences (with the first thing that comes to your mind)

Go try it out too! Kinda fun...

1. I realized
that someone just lied to me about something...*Sigh*
2. I hate to be forced to do something that I strongly dislike or do not want to do at that time.
3. I am thinking of how screwed up some people's life can be and how mine seems better than theirs...
4. I am wishing that everything turns out good for Sharita... goodluckS!
5. I am hoping that LAB will confirm my position soon
6. I am praying for strength...
7. I love to go for a roller coaster ride NOW!
8. I know that one day I'm gonna look at myself and tell myself that I am proud of who I was, who I am and how I have become who I have become...k that's confusing
9. I just want to live Life like I have never lived before...
10. I rhyme with the following words: I feel confident..HAHA
11. I am wondering why I am having this strange good feeling inside me that is making me feel like I am accomplishing something in life.. I think I am having job satisfaction...
12. I am craving for a holiday!!!!!!
13. I am trying to have a New Year Resolution for 2006 and fulfill it by the end of the year...
14. I can see Tammy, Jasmine and Me going crazy and bringing LAB down to the most cuckoo stage in two weeks time...and thats because yet another season is joining LAB!! *throws confetti*
15. I have grown to be an independent woman... and is one of the things I am very proud of!! hahaha
16. I can't stop seriously smiling and in the contrary crying as well...
17. I am born with the biggest smile in the world...
18. I am hiding my future from you...
19. I cant wait to get a degree some years down the road...
20. I am surprised that I am not overweight for all the crap that I eat!! ARGHH
21. I cant live without a watch/Time
22. I am never going to ever try Japanese Food...BAH
23. I am sinking into some sort of weird sadness during the weekends...so I try to keep myself occupied most of the time
24. I am missing my daddy..... but his presence is always felt...
25. I am in love with this title/line: Dont you wish your girlfriend was hot like me!
26. I want to buy nothing at the moment...
27. I am looking for my inhaler for the millionth time!!! I dont know where the hell I put it... grrrr and its already 2 days...
28. I am upset about that two girls who lost their mother 2 yrs ago and now their father committed suicide... *Sigh*
29. I am listening to Get up on the dance floor by Ciara
30. I am regretting about why I didnt speak to WX that day when I met him... oops
31. I am learning to accept the mysteries that is unfolding in my life...
32. I am angry at that idiotic applicant who called me and told me that she cannot afford to pay the money but can afford to go to malaysia next wk.. GRRRRR bitch!
33. I am waiting for my next shopping trip.. which would only be in Jan 2006..thanks to my over-spending..hehe
34. I am marrying - I never said that....
35. I am giving up some desires that I should have never had in the first place
36. I am seeking for a career that would not only support me but would also bring me satisfaction and happiness...
37. I am afraid of history repeating itself...but I know somewhere something alike would happen..but i have already experienced my greatest fear.. so i would probably be able ot handle it in a better way..
38. I am grateful that no matter what happens I always have my Seasons to turn to...
39. I will never forget birthdays and other significant dates.. I rarely forget them... I dont know why...
40. Form your last sentence: I cant believe who I have become...


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|| || || 11:07 am ||

i feel really bad.

everytime he asks me out.
i always say no.
i always make excuses.

i feel lazy.
i need time for myself.
i want to spend time with my family.
i have something on.

how can i say no to him again? how can i disappoint him yet again?

my dad just came in holding some marinated chicken and some other marinated meat.
telling me he's gonna cook this and that and that.
telling me how he's gonna make it all so yummy... so excited about dinner.

how can i say no? how can i say i won't be home for dinner?

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Sunday, November 06, 2005 || || 9:16 pm ||

Public Announcement

To All The Potential Partners of The Four Seasons...
please read this:

"Some people plant in the spring,
And leave in the summer.
If you're signed up for a season, see it through.
You don't have to stay forever,
but at least stay until you see it through."
Jim Rohn

Stay until you show us forever
For Forevers are widely welcomed...

One season has already been
the princess of his Forever
Another season travelling in
the Forevers of their dance
The coming season capturing
her Forevers through distance
An unknown season alive in
the promise of the Forever

Falling in Love, all over again...


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|| || || 12:30 pm ||

Ah Kong... Mama...

How are you? I miss you so so very much! Everybody's fine so don't worry about us. Sorry Ah Kong... didn't go to the columbarium on your birthday and your death anniversary... feel really bad. But i never forgot about you... not one minute.

I am now working as a Legal Executive. I am not earning much but it's enough for me to survive. I have enough to eat and I am eating well... don't worry ok? But I really miss your cooking Mama.

Mama... I want to eat your Pongtay, satay babi with the cucumber, ayam buah keluak, bakwan kepiting... and i miss the sambal belachan you make... i miss how you always leave aside for me some without the lime leaves. I want to eat the kaya you make... your hei bi hiam... you nonya zhang are the best! Mama... promise to cook for me the next time we meet ok?

Ah Kong... I hope you are happy with Mama and you are eating well now. The last time i saw you... you were so skinny and boney... not nice. I am sure with Mama's yummy cooking... you've gained a lot more weight already. I want to see you with slightly chubby like before... you'll look better like that when you wear your batik shirt.

Coco is okay... she is taking her exams now for her degree. She's working and studying... so she's kept busy most of the time. Sometimes i will meet her for dinner and go over to stay. Coco also got hamsters to play with. Don't worry about Coco... she's fine.

Little Lucas now is becoming more naughty since he went to childcare but he's still as loving as before. He's more shy these days when i see him... maybe because we seldom meet already. He still goes down to your place every weekend but I don't go down as often already. Baby Dylan can walk already. I heard from Coco that he runs very fast and always sticking to Chim Chim Audrey. Lucas is very protective of Dylan... he will cry and shout if anybody wants to take Dylan away.

My brother just finished his exams. He will be going on to primary 6 next year. Yah... PSLE. I hope he studies hard and stop playing computer games so much.

Irvin and Merlin are helping each other in school and JJ I think will be joining them soon. I think they are doing quite well in school too.

Valerie, Melissa, Hazel and me are getting along better than before. We have joined a youth group programme at the Sri Lankaramaya temple and we are doing more things together. So i guess it's a good thing to bring us a little closer. Valerie is still studying and she is getting along well with her boyfriend. They are still together and she still brings him along for some family gatherings. I don't know when they will be getting married but I can't wait... hahaha. Melissa and Hazel are doing their last year in poly and having their internship now.

Jasmine has given birth to a baby boy. He's a bit ang moh looking... very cute. Saw him at Rachel's wedding. Mak Co is looking after him. Jasmine's husband is still in China I think.

Me? Boyfriend? haha... there is this boy... but... don't know... I will tell you more next time.

There's still so much more I want to tell you but i got to go.

Will update you again soon.

I love you Ah Kong!
I love you Mama!

Hugs and Kisses
from your favourite cucu

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Saturday, November 05, 2005 || || 10:58 pm ||

"Should I ask her to dance? She's so cute. What if she says no?"
"Hmm... this guy is cute. But what's with the accent?"
When he first asked me to dance... "i think he likes me..." i felt it somehow...
After that dance... he walked away... "what just happened? was i dreaming?"
I walked away... still thinking about him.
i liked how he came... made me notice... got me interested... walked away... left me thinking about him... missing him already...
Typical first date got us started...
Beautiful second date at the zoo.
No... we didn't dance before the lions, elephants or monkeys.
But my heart was... it was dancing all day...
Love is an irresistable desire to be irresistably desired.
What can I say... I am irresistable.
Can I say the same about him? maybe...
Third date started with a game of hide and seek.
Telling him exactly where i'd be would be a little too easy for him don't you think.
"I shall make things easy for you..."
"The third dead end."
harbourfront...? no...
"Not the harbour... try something else."
then guess what... "I give up."
those would be the last words i wanna hear.
was kinda disappointed... wasn't expecting him to give up so soon... wasn't expecting him to give up at all...
well, he eventually came looking for me and found me...
he won me back by giving me the greatest compliment a guy can give to a girl...
To me... the greatest compliment a guy can give to a girl is for him to open up to her.
Guys are generally not open with their feelings and emotions. They don't talk about their sob stories, their sad past... they don't talk about what means most to them. So when a guy comes out in the open with his deepest emotions and their personal stories, it means he truly trusts her and feels comfortable with her.
it means a lot to me... and i truly appreciate it...
you told me you like me and you got me stumped when you asked if i like you...
i miss you

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Tuesday, November 01, 2005 || || 10:22 am ||

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says.
"for the party. It would simply have to go on as planned. For one fleeting" --- The City of Falling
Angels by John Berendt

2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
a plate with leftover beans... those jap beans... nvm.

3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
some cartoon on Kids Central with Daffy Duck & Porky Pig.

4. WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is.

5. Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?

6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
the TV and my brother screaming...

7. When did you last step outside? what were you doing?
er... Yesterday... to go to work...

8. Before you came to this website, what did you look at?
tried to do the TP Graduate Employment Survey... but as usual there's loads of problems with the TP websites...

9. What are you wearing?
a Phuket tee and my pyjama pants.

10. Did you dream last night?
i think i did but i can't remember...

11. When did you last laugh?
laugh becoz of something really funny? Let me tell you my joke of the year.

this applicant came one day to get a divorce. i took her statement and had to ask her a few questions. then we came to the issue of the matrimonial flat. she said she wanted to sell it away and instead of asking how she wants to divide the nett proceeds after the flat is sold... i went like "After you sell your Children..." Oops! and her son was sitting there beside her... thank god the son is old enough. can you imagine the trauma a kid would have if he heard that his parents would be selling him away..? as if a divorce is not bad enough.

i excused myself... went over to priya's cubicle and started laughing my heads off! is still can't believe i made such a mistake.

12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
a tiger poster from the zoo... a 3000 pieces disney jigsaw... clock, switches, alarm system, some fabric display from the phillippines a really long long mirror... built-in niches... speakers... more jigsaws...

13. Seen anything weird lately?
applicants!!! they are weird... trust me!

14. What do you think of this quiz?
different from the ones i've done long time ago...

15. What is the last film you saw?
Flight Plan... with yaya... nice!

16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
Tickets! plane tickets or whatever tickets that allows me to travel the world... with family and friends...

17. Tell me something about you that I don't know.
i can't sleep without my dad's snores... it's lullaby to me...

18. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
how nice if you can experience all four seasons anywhere in the world... and i'll place Africa nearer to home...

19. Do you like to dance?
Salsa anybody?

20. George Bush: is he a power-crazy nutcase or some one who is finally doing something that has needed to be done for years?
i really don't care... i know i should but i don't.

21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
sweetie... darling... dearie... baby... of course those won't be her name but that's what i'll be calling her.

21. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
as above. that's why the 2 questions have the same number...

22. Would you ever consider living abroad?
i prefer home... where family and friends are...

23. Will you pass on this survey?
please feel free to copy and paste... and change it to suit you.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________