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|| Wednesday, January 25, 2006 || || 12:50 am ||

Dance With My Father Again
by Luther Vandross

Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then
Spin me around 'til I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved
If I could get another chance, another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
How I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way, I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me
Then finally make me do just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love
To dance with my father again

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me
I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord she's dying
To dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream

Jasmine, thanks for introducing this song to me. There are no words to express how much this song means to me during this period of grief...

The last goodnight I remembered whispering
The last glance I remembered taking
While he was wrapped under the same blanket
That I am currently using
From his neck to his feet, with his toes peeping outside at me
I saw him peacefully sleeping and the peace that surrounded him
Barricaded my intuition to say the usual 'bye' I always told him
If only I knew it would be the final goodbye - I never got the chance to say

The last thing we spoke the night before
Was about a new shampoo brand that he wanted to buy for me
And I told him that it was not necessary and it was okay
'I'm quite okay with this one I'm using now' - I said
I remembered he walked out of the room
And as he walked off he told me 'Sleep early ok?'
I nodded and he shut the door - the last time I saw him alive

I saw how she was crying all alone outside the A&E Department
I didn't go near her but I have already started crying
I remembered praying and telling God to keep him alive till I come
I remembered! I prayed! With tears for almost 2 hours!
It wasn't enough to keep him alive - she said
I screamed. I wailed. I hit myself.
With several pairs of eyes staring at me
Hoping that they don't receive such news from their doctor
I didn't wanted to be hugged
I didn't wanted to hear anything
I sat on the floor, right opposite the ambulance that last carried him
I cried. I yelled. Like I have never done before.
My heart died.

Another dead body. In Room 21.
Another set of family. Crying.
Our relations unknown - yet death binding our hearts
In Room 22 - he laid
His eyes half opened - I laid my hands on his face
Then chill of his body, ran down my spine - a sudden fear
Reality pricked into my fragile heart
My hands brushed his face, attempting to shut his half-closed eyes
As tears fell - I whispered 'I love you but isnt it too late?'
'I never saw you today. I never got the chance to.
I'm sorry, Daddy'
I turned around and saw my Mother's tearing eyes
I composed myself and became a pillar of strength

Till today, I am...
But I've suppressed too much, I'm weakening...
I'm losing me...
Now with some further changes in my life,
How am I suppose to still stand tall?
Will I be able to strengthen myself in the day,
With my soul falling apart each night like these?

I'm really afraid...


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|| Saturday, January 14, 2006 || || 9:09 pm ||

Phew! Finally some time to catch my breath again.

The past few weeks have been a race to plan and celebrate good times, accept niceties, fight insecurities, make others happy, make myself happy and take on everything else that comes by.

Let's start with Christmas of 2005.

My darling decided to pamper me a little. Although I was still very much on this little island called Singapore, it really did feel like I was away on a short trip on some beach resort. We ended up on the little Singapore island down south. Lunch was at Silver Shell Cafe. Nothing I would have ever expected or even dare to dream about. Tandoori turkey, smoked salmon, prawns, sushi, turkey, roast beef, logcake, little raspberry tarts sprinkled with gold dust. Yah... the tarts really had gold dust on them. They actually resemble Christmas ornaments. I checked and double checked with my beloved companion if they were edible. The food looked splendid... and tastes even better. Champagne to complete the whole meal. Thank you Darling for the sumptuous lunch. I really don't deserve such luxury though. I'm not used to the extravagance but it is very much appreciated. All that because he doesn't get to see me often. *Hmmz... maybe I should start meeting him less then maybe he'll pamper me even more.* And then the cable car ride back to mainland was... well... short and sweet.

Christmas night was spent with my dearest seasons at Priya's place. The first time we were spending Christmas together. Best part of it all I guess was making ondeh-ondeh together. Gosh... 4 bimbos in the kitchen just creates one big mess. But hey... I think we did a great job with the balls didn't we? =)

And before I can even digest my Christmas lunch or digest the fact that I even had that lunch...
2006 sneaked in and added more food to my plate.

We agreed sometime in November to meet on New Year's Eve at 8p.m at the staircase next to Park Mall that leads to Fort Canning no matter what happens to the relationship by then. I sure am glad we met that day with the same status as when we made the agreement.

Fort Canning is a really romantic place to lay out your mat and indulge in good food even at night... rather especially at night. Erm... we didn't have a mat but we did have good food.... I cooked! My darling loves salmon so I made him my special Black Pepper Salmon with Bacon and also my mummy's baked stuffed potatoes and salad. We also had peppermint chocolates. Yummylicious!

Countdown to 2006 in the arms of my dear one... Bhangra music in the background... the burst of colours from the fireworks that sprouted into shapes of stars... nothing short of magnificent. The ringing of the bells hint that our wishes for 2006 were going to come true... wishes that 4 seasons made on their last night out in 2005... along with all the other wishes that were made on that New Year's day.

I've never had a special someone to spend the festive seasons with me. Now it's different that's why it's all so important to me.

2006 started out with me already having a career job... and a boyfriend who loves me... and friends & family constantly with me having fun. It's a good start... I believe 2006 will continue to be really good.

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________