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|| Sunday, May 21, 2006 || || 11:51 am ||

one fine day my boy asked me to attend this church wedding with him.
the groom's mum invited him to attend.
told me the mum's nice and he likes her.
so we had to go.

did i mention we don't know the couple.
yup we don't.
my boy hasn't even seen the groom before.
he only knows his parents.

he told me it was going to be a small wedding.
erm... but if they've got total strangers attending then it's not gonna be small right?

well it turned out to be pretty small.
we went there and knew nobody.
my boy can't find the groom's parents.
so we just followed the crowd.

we did what the others did.
wrote a little congrats message and signed on the cardboard.
and guess what... they couldn't find our names on the guest list.
wonderful darling... i feel so out of place already.

dropped our card and red packet into a box.
and entered the church.

the aisle... the red carpet... our arms entwined.
i paused for a moment... a long moment.
and imagined what it would be like walking down that aisle
at my very own wedding.

well i paused also partly because i didn't know where to go
so there's all these people i don't know...
we don't know...
no familiar faces.

i don't even recognise the groom.
like erm... which one's the groom?
i only found out their names like 10mins ago.

we found our seats in a corner right at the back.
sat through the whole thing.
it's quite nice actually.
especially with my baby there beside me.
love was in the air.
it filled the air.
and i felt it.
that made me forget about all the awkwardness.

but it all came back once it's done and we had to head back out.
now once we go look for the groom's parents and have a little chat,
everything will be fine.
boy was i wrong.

we went out and my boy spotted the groom's parents(the people who invited us).
so we went over and they totally did not recognise him.
they literally went like "who are you?".
turns out they were actually the bride's parents.

Great! so now my boy can't even recognise the people who invited us.
why was i there again?

based on the directions given by the bride's parents(the pointing pointing).
we managed to find the real groom's parents.
he took so long to decide if it was really them. goodness!
the dad totally didn't recognise him.
the mum looked surprised to see him.
no it wasn't the it's-nice-to-see-you surprise.
it's a er-what-are-you-doing-here-did-i-invite-you kinda surprise.
then she said some stuffs i didn't quite catch and invited us to the hotel reception.

oh boy! no way was i going to go the reception.
-shakes head-
i just wanted to leave that place as soon as i can.
thank goodness my boyfriend didn't object to that.

after we left only did he tell me that he only met them thrice.
what?! i didn't even bother to ask when the last time was.

felt a little like a wedding crasher.
but well... it was kinda fun actually. =)

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________

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|| Wednesday, May 10, 2006 || || 8:42 am ||

This is going to be a useless entry but I am going to blog it anyway.
You don't have to read it coz it really is useless unless of coz you've got lots of useless time to do useless things like reading this useless entry.

I am feeling so useless but maybe only because I AM useless.
Everything seems to be useless.
All that time and effort spent is useless.
Should I try again? But it'll probably be useless anyway.
Why do even bother to do useless things and think useless thoughts?
It always comes back to this useless ground called 'square one'.
Then I go through the same old useless cycle and end up a useless being again.
People try to be helpful but it's useless.
This is just useless and not going to get me anywhere.
Gosh... why am I even doing this. It's useless!

As Priya would say it, "This entry is brought to you by the word 'useless'."

Argh... Useless!

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________