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|| Friday, June 23, 2006 || || 12:16 pm ||

7 random facts about me

1. i have a red birthmark on my tummy that i named Strawberry (...when i was a little girl)
2. my grandma wanted to name my dad Tammy but he came out a male so the name was kept for me instead (how did my grandma know that my dad would have a baby girl?)
3. i can't wait to turn 21 but i want to remain 21
4. i lost 6kgs since i started working and i'm trying to gain my weight back (my mango jeans don't fit anymore and my ripcurl shorts too... =( )
6. i've always wanted to work in the zoo... still do.
7. i got top in English and Art in Sec 3 and very proud of it! (my dad promised to buy me a puppy if i got into the top 10 in class that year. i was in 9th position and he did not keep his promise... should have made him write it down.)

7 things that scares me

1. lizards... especially their tails. (imagine if the tail drop off and fall into your ear.)
2. nails on the chalkboard
3. blood
4. loneliness
5. horror movies
6. my boyfriend =)
7. techno music, alarm, thunder... er ya... loud noises.

7 random music at the moment

1. Don't be cruel - Elvis Presley
2. Richard Clayderman's music box
3. Summer Holiday
4. I am 16 going on 17... -Sound of Music
5. Favourite Things - Sound of Music
6. Beauty and the Beast
7. Part of your world

7 things i like the most

1. being pampered
2. pleasant surprises
3. salsa-ing with my baby
4. going out with my little brother
5. shopping with mummy
6. seeing papa laugh
7. reminiscing

7 things i hate the most

1. attending to smokers with horrible breath
2. loneliness
3. feeling neglected
4. being insecure
5. anger
6. carrying a bag of prawns or anything that's pokey
7. going shopping and ending up with nothing

7 things i say the most

1. can i ask you something?
2. i ask you ar...
3. grounds for divorce
4. urgh! so irritating
5. hello
6. what's your case reference number? I/C number?
7. yah right

7 people to do this

1. Eugene
2. Lionel
3. Twin
4. Serene
5. Afian (but he doesn't have a blog)
6. Biao Yong
7. Nokkqy?

__________~*~SpRiNg * tAmZ~*~__________